
Rendezvousing Again At Hong Kong. By Uncle Monty.

Rendezousing Again At Hong Kong.
Story By Uncle Monty.
Photos By Alex Albion.

Hong Kong beckoned me again to rendezous with
Contessa Maria, who wasn’t particularly happy
when I declined her Christmas invitation to go onto
Los Angeles with her and then to go on from there to
Mexico’s Cancun for the New Year. While I was in
Oz, Maria had travelled onto Papua New Guinea,
New Zealand, and Tasmania without me, because I
wanted to spend as much time as I could exploring
Australia itself – a huge country, of course - along
with attending The 6th World Homeless Cup, go-
ing to the Oz capital of Canberra, and visiting and
staying with dear friends Carl and Myrna Hancock
out at Adelaide Hills. Plus, my unquenchable desire
and aim to encounter and to photograph for the
first time in my life those irresistable kangaroos.
Everything that I set out to do, I successfully and
happily completed while on the other side of the
Maria didn’t enquire of me what I had done in
Aussieland, but it was due entirely to her financial
underpinning that I had freely spent over 16 days
inside Oz like being as free as a bird. She had no
interest, naturally, in homeless football or kanga-
roos or visiting with the Bush Aussies. Her only
interest was that I was content and grateful with
what she had done again for me. I most definiately
was ... Although, whenever I don’t go along with
all that she wants of me she then turns on me
and says I’m “always ungrateful” to her for
what she’s already done for me over the past
almost 4 years of getting to know each other.
But, she knows full well I am eternally grateful
to her for all she's done without conditional love.
Now at Hong Kong, Maria was nagging, baiting,
and poking at me again. Where within less than
three weeks we had now had our second Asian
rendezous to sort out what she and I wanted to
do either together or individually. Her mind was
made up that it was easier for us to go on together
to the West Coast of Obama's US of A, than for me
to fly on alone across parts of the Middle East and
huge swathes of Russia to get finally back to frigid
and broken England after my first Australian ad-
venture which had taken me more than 25,000
miles there and back, and to and from, the other
side of the world. "Maria, you've done by far too
much for me already," I told her. "You don't need
to do anymore," I earnestly added to her. In the
end then she went onto LA without me and I to-
ward Pakistan, Iran, Russia, the Eastern and
Western countries of Europe and to finally
hit icy cold Heathrow head on by Qantas.
Inside Hong Kong International Terminal
Coming back to Hong Kong on Qantas – Australia’s
Fly Kangaroo – was nothing short than an health hazard.
On my left side sat a young hospital nurse from Northern
Ireland with all the sniffles and sneezes of a very bad cold
and who constantly spread her germs to others like me by
her failure to cover her coughing and her nose blowing with
decent hankies or paper tissues. While right in front of me
at seat 68 G was a heavyset, lanky, and brooding middle-age
fellow who pushed the back of his seat almost into my face.
I finally had to ask a stewardess to tell him to pull his seat
back from blocking my ability to almost move in my own seat.
Then those babies crying and squealling during most of the
flight was like seeing a flying maternity ward with rich doting
mums all trying to outdo each other on how many baby nappies
they could change in front of us 400+ air passengers on our
longstretch Boeing 747. While behind me in the next row were
two loud male chatterboxes yabbing away in their exotic lang-
uage and then belting out their shrill bouts of inexplicable giggles
and grunts. They went on no-stop for hours. The location of my
row of seats seemed to also exclude us from getting served those
extra juices or treats, since we were either a row behind or a
row too short for the cabin stewardesses as they went by us to
always serve others. I had to wave and shout at times to get
finally an extra biscuit or soft juice that the Irish nurse next
to me thought it was then for her and not for me. As for the
loo, it was like waiting at Piccadilly Circus to cross the road
without getting trampled on by an herd of bloody tourists or
God-damn mindless foreigners. And then being forced to
wait upto 20 or 30 minutes to find a free and empty loo
while holding on like grim death at somewhere in midair
over Russia or where ever to urgently complete
one's deed of Mother Nature.
Another thing back in Oz, I have never seen anywhere
else on how folkz seemingly spend hours waiting at each
predestrians crossing for the lights to change to green
so that they can walk on across the city street. Most
folkz stand passively even when there is no traffic
near by them. They wait and wait for the lights
to turn green while I'm about to turn red.
Safety yes, zombie conditioning no.
And to think, by the way, that Contessa Maria had
spent almost £1,000 of her own money on buying
my Qantas ticket was a wicked shame considering
what harzard and discomfort that I went thru on
the first leg of my almost 10,000 mile airflight
just from Melbourne to Hong Kong.
Fun Figures At
Melbourne’s Bourke Street.
Moments before we said our "goodbyes" and our
"Merry Christmases" to each other on departing
Hong Kong, Maria had her Xmas gift already to
give to me. She insisted that I opened it before she
embarked on her LA flight for she wanted to be sure,
she said, that she had the right gift for me and that
I was indeed “grateful” for her ditigal gift of a swanky
and sophisticated brand-spanking New Dell Latitude
series laptop with its gleaming and polished finish of
silver chrome. It was my first Christmas present of
2oo8. When she asked me a few weeks ago what
I might like from her for Xmas, I timidly hinted
I’d like a laptop. She then asked me: “What’s a
laptop?” Maria was quite mystified by such a
thing. My answer to her was: “A laptop is a
compact folding computer that you can rest
on your lap, literally.” I explained such quite
gently to the Contessa without sounding at all
superior and big headed or appearing mildly
computer savvy. So, thanks again to my guardian
angel, I now have my first Dell laptop to take with
me here and there and to upload my images with-
out any problem in the future when I’m mobile
just doing this or that for my sometimes nasty
and ever critical blog … This story I am now
writing here is on my New Dell laptop, too.
Maria's Xmas gift and my Oz Big Issue Bush Hat.
My Christmas Greetings from
Hong Kong, Uncle Monty.
+8th Day of Advent, 2oo8.

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