
More Wins For Obama. Presidential Notes By Uncle Monty.

More Wins For Obama.
Presidential Notes
By Uncle Monty.
Big win for Democrat Obama in Pennsylvania,
but his Republican rival John McCain has also
won 11 states thus far with Obama having al-
ready sweeped all the New England states
to give him several more Electoral College
votes at 171 in his favour over McCain's
total right now of a pitiful 81. That, of
course, could change dramaically, if Mc-
Cain by sheer chance should win Ohio
over Obama. Though the polling pro-
jections say Obama will take Ohio, too.
Things are now coming thick and fast
from America's Election Day, 2oo8. It is
just 10.00pm on the East Coast. Other
important states like Ohio and Florida
are still set to express their voting will.
But checkout Reuter's below for the latest
overview of what is happening on the
ground as folkz have overwhelmed the
polling stations across the country with
their huge numbers ...
I'll be back shortly with other results
to share with you. Thankz for the
private emails from those who have
enjoyed my single-handed coverage of
the Presidential Election from across
the pond in England. It's never quite
as good, mind you, as being there in
person at such a time like this in which
for the first time in America's history a
black man cometh to be possibly its
first African American president ...
But it's still too early to call the final
results of the election that could still
be a major cliff hanger, if there ever
was one to be.
Cheers everybody, Uncle Monty.
Bonfire Night, 2oo8.

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