
Late Queen Mum - "A Ghastly Old Bigot." By Uncle Monty.

Late Queen Mum -
"A Ghastly Old Bigot."
By Uncle Monty.
I thought at first I might also write a story
about Britain's Prince Charles turning 60 to-
morrow. But I decided such would be too
boring for most of my online readership. I
was once quite fond of The British Royal
Family, but not so much anymore. I now
call them "The Broken Royal Family,"
much like Britain itself is today.
Charles himself is a brooding prince who
now holds the pathetic distinction of being
the longest waiting heir apparent to become
king in all of British royal history. Not that
such matter much today, anyway. It's far
from earth shattering. While, his vile temper
tantums are legendary. Plus, he spends
money like water and other royal family
members and Charles are constantly vexed
at each other especially about his spending
sprees for this or that ...
And don't get me going on Camilla Parker Bowles ,
who should never be allowed to reign as the next
Queen of England. That's if Charles should ever
become king, which some say is mighty doubtful.
The “lawful legality” of their marriage continues
also to be seriously questioned on constitutional
and ecclesiastical grounds after then New
Labour’s Attorney General seems to have
deliberately twisted British law to fit the
very wishes of Charles and his Camilla.
But the cynical story of the late Queen Mum -
Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother – I much
prefer to write about here after she was described
the other day as "a ghastly old bigot." A royal
bigot? Yes, a royal bigot. All because some BBC
jerk called Edward Stourton, who knew her, said
she’d used langauge in 1990's that the politically-
correct crowd now finds offensive when she
spoke of her personal feelings that “all those
huns, wops and dagos” were basically no good
for Britain’s European interests and aims.
She was born of 19th century parents,
she lived throughout the whole of the 20th
century, and she died at the beginning of the
21st century at the grand old age of 101.
Queen Mum lived splendidly in her regal and
gilded world all of her own. Why then should
we expect her to think and speak the common
and modern political and social lingo when
she was a product of an entirely different
era and time to anything like today?
Leave our Queen Mum alone ...
She was good for her time and day. If
only some of the modern royals of our
day would behave so well as Queen Mum, I
might almost admire the Royal Family again.
But if anybody should be called "a ghastly old
bigot,” it should be 86 year-old Prince Philip for
some of the terse remarks he’s publicly made.
Old Philip speaks his mind and I am all for those
who do so whether I agree with what they say
or not or by whatever words and methods
they chose to use to convey their opinions.
In sickeningly politically-correct England, folkz
are sacked for saying things that our system
now condemns. Only yesterday, an obscene
£10 million was awarded to two Muslim women
- both twins - who claim they were discriminated
against at work by words and deeds against them.
It's so sickening to see such a huge payoff by the
firm that didn't want the womens' claims heard at
the Employment Tribunal, which sounds to me to
be almost like those old Sovietique "Peoples'
Courts" under Stalin's and Lenin's USSR. Per-
haps those two women will also now donate
their Christian payoff to Islam? Perhaps, too,
I should also renounce my Christianity or
paint my face any other colour than white
and then sue for religious and/or racial
discrimination so that I can also receive
thousands of pounds as payoff or settlement.
Only in today's "Broken Little Britain" could
our system be so absurd and wicked that
it invites one and all foreigners and immig-
rants to see if they can get some free money
by making allegations of any kind of abuse
that is either real or imaginery. In two other
cases on the same day as the winning Islamic
twins, a business woman and a cop were
removed from their jobs for making
politically-incorrect comments. How long
are we going to have to put up with bowing
and scrapping to the whims and feelings of
such awful foreigners and useless immigrants
now flooding England like a mindless and
dangerous mass thanks to decrepit
New Labour?
I'm sure our Queen Mum would have said
what she felt about that and I'm even more
sure that the old Duke of Edinburgh
wouldn't mince his words either.
Be that as it may be, I still love what Philip said
over the speakerphone to, I guess, some Anthony
Blair brat who was trying to strong arm in on the
then royal arrangements for the burial ceremony
of Diana, Princess of Wales. Prince Philip got
quickly angry and then unroyally shouted to the
government brat: “FUUUUUUUUUUCK OFF …”
with his wife, Her Majesty, hearing his choice
words without even blinking an eyelid. And the
government brat, fled. Gooooooood for Phillip …
Here then are some other quotes of his:
Other than that, we're still stuck with Prince
Charles wallowing and waiting to be a king when
few British folkz don't seem to care either way.
I read that he only converses with his mom
and dad when needed and so stays clear of
them whenever he can. In the meantime,
Camillia is seen as not pulling her full weight
in failing to do more royal public engagements.
Only 17 per cent of the British people support
her ever becoming queen. But Charles is ada-
ment that Camillia will and must be his queen,
if not our's. It's all too boring, after all. So
give me the lovely Queen Mum,
any day, with warts and all …
Kindly, Uncle Monty.
+Charles Simeon, Divine Priest, 2oo8.
When Our Queen Mum was so young.
Our chance meeting yesterday, while
he was visiting his daughter in London,
found The Rev'd Derek Goddard and I
(both shown below) seriously chatting
all about the unlikely presence of The
Anglican Church at Italy's Palermo
of the Scillonians. The reverend is
priest of Holy Cross Anglican Parish
at Palermo under the open bishopic
authority of the Diocese of Europe.
The Rev'd Derek Goddard and Uncle Monty.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That old goat at the palace should likewise be told to "F--- O--".