
McCain: Still Not Quite Knocked Out ... Presidential Notes By Uncle Monty.

McCain: Still Not Quite Knocked Out ...
Presidential Notes By Uncle Monty.
John McCain seems to have taken a firm grip
on The Deep South that traditionally isn’t very
pro-black at the best of times with his sweep of
the overwhelming majority of Southern states,
with critical Virginia, Florida and North Carolina
still to be called for either candidate McCain or the
big black presidential hopeful Barack Obama. If
McCain cannot hold Virginia or Florida in his
wins, then the presidential story for him looks
pretty grim. It'll be like the sad story from
Dame Shirley Bassey's sentimenal song:
"The Party Is Over, It's Time To Call
It A Day ..." for John McCain.
Many news agencies around the world now
say Obama is on the brink of what would
become a very historic and extraordinary
win for him in America. As I've said before,
if Obama should win it will rock and shake
the United States and the world like
nothing quite since America's 9/11.
Your's, Uncle Monty.
Guy Fawkes Day, 2oo8.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Uncle Monty -- Do you seriously think an albino candidate would have an easier time? Jonathan Martin.