
Why 12 Year-Old Ladz Leave The Church.

By Uncle Monty
All too many 12 year-old British, American, and
European ladz today have been plucked from their
magical years of childhood to face the new realities of
being forced to grow-up faster than ever in the modern,
the materialistic, the selfish, the secular, and the global
world in which they and us now live. Many parents
say that childhood is now over by age 11,
reports ICM research.
No wonder then so many Digital Age children show no em-
pathy toward others or care not two hoots about anything
except for themselves. The loss of childhood is the loss of
boyhood for such ladz that can also bring about a false
configuration and a skewed sense of manliness and man-
hood. True too, they are oftentimes sad clones of their
own "misdimensional" and dysfunctional parents or
guardians. They are a societal product, for good or
bad, of the present society in which they are reared
and nurtured beyond their domestic situation and local
pathology. The lack of communication skills, low edu-
cational goals, anti-social behaviour, fragmented
relationships, negative attitude, and refusal to abide
by collective rules, are evident and widespread among
many of the so-called "tweenagers" of ages 10 to 13.
Such helps to explains why many 12 year-old ladz
decide to leave the church no matter what
their folkz do or say.
Many of today’s children - who are little more than
grotesque, miniature adults in some cases - are all alive
and well on the surface, but beneath that they are so
spiritually, so emotionally, and so psychically empty and
dead. Like many of their unchurched parents, such ladz
also soon learn to reject the church and all thingz remotely
religious. While those other parents who are somewhat or
fully churched, have a dickens of a time each Sunday to
entice their 12 year-olds or older ladz to go to church with
them. It's not koooooooooooool to be seen in church or to
be seen as "good." That's not "bad" and being bad means
being good in the slang of today's mindless youths ... Dare
I also say that I think their insatiable appetite for online
and video games and consoles are like hallucogenic drugs
to many teenages that controls and shapes their warped
view of life that is surely in direct conflict with the panoply
and life of the church. Yes, I hear derision loud and clear
to that view of mine. But that's what I think is an unsaid
and unrecognised factor in why some youngsters are
so alienated against religion and the clergy, too.
So when The Church Times (7 Mar. ’08. No. 7564) carried a
two and half page spread entitled “The lost boys: the Church’s
great teenage exodus,” by Rebecca Paveley, I was immed-
iately interested to read and absorb what she had written
on the subject.
Rebecca Paveley doing her artwork ....
So herein, I present some of the highlights
of Rebecca's piece:
1st: Ladz (and girlz) become bored with Church.
2nd: "Role models and good Christian friendship
are critical to keeping young" ladz and girlz
"involved and interested in church."
3rd: Loss of older teenagers to the church
has a knock-on effect on the younger ones.
4th: Keeping ladz thru sport can be a real
"ice-breaker," but not a cure all for keeping
them actively involved in church.
5th: Ironically, because sporting events are
played more and more on Sunday mornings
such has also impacted on ladz attending
those events instead of church.
And, 6th: Without further shifts in the style
and substance of ministry to teenagers,
the exodus of ladz of all ages from the
church will continue.
My own opinion of why alot of ladz don't even
attend church, let alone make an exit if they do so
as they get older from the church, is based on all
the modern thingz that attract ladz or tweenagers or
older teenagers from church attendance. It's because
England itself has become more and more a "pleasure-
oriented society" over the past two or three decades that
now sees folkz spending so much money on all thingz
that give them material and personal satisfaction and
comfort no matter how ephemeral and expensive such
pleasures may turn out to be. Thus their own world of
property buying, owning the latest model cars, buying
digital gadgets galore, seeking far flung travel adventure,
soaking up constant shopping sprees, holding easy
credit, and living beyond their means, all rub off on
those young ladz and girlz to figure how they, too, can
get hold of such pleasures. They pray, like so many
adults, for thingz, but not for their salvation or forgive-
ness of sins. The every day influences of avarice and
over-indulgence is endemic among the exploding populace
of the UK, Europe and the US of A. We are no longer
citizens per se, but rather we've become consumers only.
We live to eat and eat to live. And that's the passageway
of why so many 12 year-old ladz leave the church among
other reasons why. One can hardly blame them with
such glaring examples shoved down their throats
and paraded before their young eyes at every new
morning of their formative lives ...
But then there are other extraordinary 12 year-old
ladz that do service for the church and are not the
ladz (or girlz) who are leaving the church has stated in
Rebecca Paveley's "The lost boys: the Church's great
teenage exodus." You’ve seen their angelic faces at
Westminster Abbey. You’ve heard their heavenly
voices singing at Mattins and Evening Song. You’ve
watched them at procession in their bright crimson
gowns and their pure white Anglican Choir collars
and surplices. And, you’ve admired their presence
at church. These, then, are no ordinary ladz. They
are part of The English Church tradition that goes
back for centuries and is the bedrock of Christianity
and Churchianity in England. Such ladz are called
Choristers or choir boyz. Or in Latin: Chorista.
They gather and sing throughtout the land at
British Cathedrals, Collegiate Churches, and Chapels
Royal and not just at Christmastide or Passiontide or
Ascensiontide, but at all the religious "tides" of the
year. If they were the ladz leaving the church, then
The Church of England would be in greater fear of
collapse than I ever thought or imagined was possible.
Thank God for such ladz is all I can say. And,
God Bless their little cotton socks and their
divine harmonies of hymns and psalms.
While in the meantime, of the
24 million born-Anglicans in Great Britain, only
about a million attend Sunday morning service or are
active in the life of the parish to which they belong.
Now that's what I call sad and rather pathetic to say
the least. Surely we can do better than that as
Anglicans in our own country? Let's try boyz and
girlz, momz and dadz, brotherz and sisterz,
auntz and unclez, nephewz and cousinz, and
friendz and neighbourz, to uphold more of the
traditions of our local and national church to en-
sure its rightful place in our British way of life.
Some final thoughts on what's going on in The
Anglican Church of England from what I see
of it on a pretty regular basis. I suspect that
the 12 year-olds to which Rebecca Raveley cites
are mostly white or Anglo-Saxon boyz who are
leaving the church. With the influx of immigrants,
especially those African Anglicans, joining local
parishes in England there would seem to me to be
the emergence of immigrant youths replacing many
of the local church boyz and girlz at an ever rapid rate.
When I attended St. Matthew's, which was the last
church that Diana, Princess of Wales, opened before
her tragic death, I noticed the congregation was
growing more African by the week and less and less
white youngsters and their parents appearing at the
weekly congregation. Indeed, once parents perman-
ently leave the church then their youngsters follow
suit. I suspect, too, that one reason why white
boyz and girlz are leaving the church is because
they have become, or are becoming, outnumbered
by immigrant youths at their local parish. The
Africanization of many London Anglican parishes
is stark and overwhelming and does not sit well
with many local whites who have worshipped for
years at their once all-white church. While com-
mentators have remarked on the religious
Islamization of Europe, I have yet to read any
material on the Africanization of the Church of
England and what this means in future regarding
the church and what it may become down the road.
While black Anglican clergy on the ground
is pretty thin in England right now, what I sus-
pect will happen as the older local white clergy
resign or retire or die off, that new black clergy
will emerge to lead the local black flock. Certianly,
with our first black Archbishop of York now in place
since 2oo5 - he is Dr. John Sentamu, the Ugandan-
born cleric - if he should become the next 105th
Archbishop of Canterbury after Dr. Rowan
Williams ends his present archbishopric, then
as the first black Archbishop of Canterbury
he may well oversee an explosion, and greater
seminarian training, of black clergy in the future
Church of England. Some local London and Black
Country parishes of the West Midlands will soon
become, if they're not already, majority black
parishes in any event. What the youngsters will
do at such black parishes will remain to be seen,
but they'll probably be more loyal to their parent's
wishes to stay with them in church as opposed to
many of the white British boyz and girlz who want
to flee in order to enjoy their freedom not to
attend church for whatever their reasons. So
herein lies perhaps some of the answers why 12
year-old (white) ladz (and girlz) leave the church.
It isn't a pretty picture when you think about it.
+Eve of Passion Sunday, 2oo8.
And, This Just In ... From New York
Ecumenical News International (ENI) reports:
Blair accepts Yale position to teach on faith, globalisation.
Tony Blair, the former British prime minister, has accepted
a one-year position at Yale University in which he will
participate in a course examining issues related to religious
faith and globalisation. He will serve as the Howland
Distinguished Fellow during the 2008-09 academic
year, the university announced on 7 March. Blair will
work with the faculties of the Yale Divinity School
and the Yale School of Management.
March 10th, 2oo8.

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