
That Beautiful Summer's Day At Royal Ascot.

:: By Uncle Monty ::
Rarely does she consent to being photographed.
So when I casually handed my instamatic camera to
Contessa Maria's chauffeur to take a momento of us
at Royal Ascot on 2oo6 Ladies' Day, I was quite
surprised she silently consented without first
kicking-up a big fuss about being photographed
against her wishes. She seemed so pleased to be
photographed with me in all her frilly pink
raffinement and her open glad face.
The above photograph was the excellent result
and to which Maria granted me permission to post
as long as her features were partially blocked out
to avoid instant recognition by those who may seek
to kidnap her for ransom or to rob her because of
who she is. So she stated to me. Hence, the black
stripe across her aristocratic eyes was imperative
to ease her mind. But with a dowry of $18 million
to her name, she may need to fret over such things
that "pofolkz" like you and me needn't ever worry
about. We are, after all, oftentimes imprisoned
by what we own and by what we want to own.
As she later went off to chat with some of the royals,
I then had free reign to photograph all the many
beautifully-clad, and some what snooty, ladies all
milling around the enclosure like bumptious bumble
bees at the premier royal racing event of the year.
I had a field day with my cameras to say the least.
I went first for those younger ladies wearing
their delicious and expensive hats for us all to see
and to admire on Ladies' Day. And, almost
100.000 ticket-holders were there on that
beautiful summer's day at Royal Ascot.
At the races, politeness and snobbery go to-
gether. But when I saw a rather course woman
with her unironed frock pulled up high above her
porkchop thighs having a go at urinating on the race
track, due presumably to her inability or ill-manners
to control the call of mother nature, I was disgusted
at such an antithesis to the royal image that is so por-
trayed of Royal Ascot. The lower the class, the cruder
the behaviour. Yet set against such a background,
I also saw and mingled with those rather Eton toffs
and "horsey folks" from the countryside that would
rather be seen prancing dead at the royal enclosure
than at an Anglican parson's burial service ...
So without any further ado from me,
here then are just a tiny few of the 100
or so images I took at Royal Ascot:
1. Classic ladies of Ladies' Day.
2. It's the hat, my dear, not you.
3. All tuckered out was she on the green grass.
4. Look at the expressions on their faces ...
5. Wide-angle view of the Silver Enclosure.
6. Simply gorgeous isn't she, guyz?
7. He'd be ideal as a royal butler.
As for Contessa Maria, I am still
rather concerned about her health
after that nasty fall she had in New
York over the 2oo7 Christmas season.
She's had an hip replacement with all
the pain that goes with such a fixture
and despite such a successful operation.
She's now back in Italy for the time be-
ing. She'll not, however, accompany me
this time to Cuba's Old Havana at the end
of the month. It was her birthday gift
to me that she then paid for my whole
Cubana trip without even a blink of an
eye. Thankz so much, Maria ... I pray
you'll get completely better day by day.
+Blessed John Ogilvie, 2oo8.

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