
Such Stems From The Culture of Abandonment.

Above: Haut de la Garenne Children's Home. Below:
One of the good Cocker Spaniels sniffing out the long, dark
secrets of abuse and horror against Jersey children.
:: By Uncle Monty ::
When mere children are systematically housed
in underground torture chambers or "punishment
rooms" for the ghastly gratification and sexual
maladies of perverted hetrosexual and/or homo-
sexual adult authority figures or so-called "carers"
over such hapless youngsters, then such stems from
the culture of abandonment that permits the vile horror
of Haut de la Garenne Children's Home to thrive un-
checked and undetected against state committed
children for decades at a time at the Island of Jersey.
Due to the culture of abandonment, those in
authority who happen to be emotionally and sex-
ually perverted are given illicit entree to practice
their deformed lust and orgasms on children who
are oftentimes unloved and unwanted by their own
parents and families, if such first existed for them,
and by society at large. Once a child is
thrown to such predatory wolves in the name of
state care, then he or she is easily sentenced to a
kind of "soul murder" which was seemingly
practised day in and day out at the Jersey children's
home by the very "protectors" that did not protect
them, of course, but rather terrorized them at every
step in the secretive and macabre dungeons of official
child care. Thus from "protectors" some of them then
changed their moral colour and code to that of be-
coming sick predators and vicious perpetrators of
the defenceless and confined children in their care.
Whenever the culture of abandonment has taken
root, there is always the ever present danger
of exploitation and abuse of those subjected to
such abandonment. We see such in nursing homes,
in paramilitary groups, in closed prisons, in outlandish
religious sects, in youth boot camps, in childrens homes,
in psychiatric wards, in military brigs, and in other "total
institutions" that the American sociologist David
J. Rothman critiqued in the early 1970's and how
techniques of "behaviour modification" are applicable
to all total institutions. Certainly, Haut de la Garenne
Children's Home was a classic total institution that
practiced "behaviour modification" to its extremes
by physical, sexual, and mental abuse and tyranny
against vulnerable children placed in care of such
evil practices.
About 40 suspects and 160 victims have thus far
been identified surrounding the ever growing abuse
and sex scandal of Haut de la Garenne. I suspect
we shall hear stories of suicides from some of the
suspects once they are exposed and charged
with alleged betrayal of trust and care of those
children that they improperly handled against the
norms of decency and well-being. The tragedy
is the damage already done to so many victimized
Jersey children who can never be compensated by
the same system that allowed them to be committed
in the first place with no oversight or accountability
from those in charge of them. Who guards the
guards? It seemed that those who guarded the
guards were also willing to turn a blind eye or
were themselves participant abusers. Those
outside - such as the local police and church -
also turned a deliberate deaf ear to those who
attempted to report such demonic goings on at
Haut de la Garenne. The culture of abandonment
robs the voice, too, of those who are abandoned.
Thus, they were ignored when they came
forward as abandoned people who had no
voice of credibility to those set in authority
to uphold the law and to protect the weak
of the Jersey society.
I may just decide to go to Jersey myself to talk
with folkz there about the unfolding horrors
that may also have existed, so I understand, at
other children's homes and care institutions
besides the one called Haut de la Garenne. With
its Nazi past, I wouldn't be surprised now of other
dirty secrets and revelations that may tumble out
for us all to discover at the Island of Jersey.
In any event, what the story here tells us is that we
must abandon the culture of abandonment if we are
to protect and preserve the young and elderly from
those who, of whatever persuasion or perversion,
seek to excerise their own brand of abuse and
violence and stranglehold over them.
+St. Zacharias, 2oo8.

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