
Eve of Good Friday. By Uncle Monty.

Eve of Good Friday.
By Uncle Monty.
We’re now at the Eve of Good Friday on this religious
day of Maundy Thursday, 2oo9. The Queen will issue
British silver-minted Maundy Money today to po
who deserve such a royal gift of rare mintage.
While that is all very nice, there are a number of modern
controversial issues about whether Christ rose from the

dead or not. Even his crucifixtion has been brought into
question by those of this New and Irreligious Age.
They simply refuse, for one-cockeyed reason or
another, not to believe in His name let alone
in His Divine Resurrection.


When I recently read religionist John Blanchard’s
essay “Jesus: Dead or Alive,” I thought it would be
ideal to include a snippet or two of what he wrote
on the grave and burning question of Christ’s
Resurrection at this Maundy Thursday that
always marks the Eve of Good Friday.

Writes John Blanchard:
“At the time of writing, Richard Dawkins, the one-time
Charles Simonyi Professor of Public Understanding of
Science at Oxford Univesity, is one of the best known
atheists in the world. In several of his earlier books he
included attacks against those who believe in God. But in
The God Delusion, first published in 2oo6, he launched
a nuclear assault on all religious faiths, with one goal in
mind: ‘If this book works as I intend, religious readers
who open it will be atheists when they put it down.’
John Blanchard continues to argue against the
atheist author Richard Dawkins: Early on (Dawkins)
states, ‘I am not attacking any particular version ofGod.
I am attacking God, all gods, anything and everything
supernatural’, though one page later he narrows his
target; ‘Unless otherwise stated , I shall have
Christianity mostly in mind.’
Then Dawkins gets even more specific: there is ‘no
evidence’ in favour of God’s existence; the Bible is a
‘chaotically cobbled-together anthology of disjointed
documents’, ‘the only difference between The Da
Vinci Code -and the gospels is that the gospels
are ancient fiction while The Da Vince Gode
is modern fiction’.

John Blanchard goes further in examining Richard Dawkins’ atheistic views. The centeral doctrine of Christianity, so Dawkins believes, is ‘barking mad, as well as viciously unpleasant ‘. As for Jesus, he ‘probably existed’, but the idea that he came back to life after being dead and buried is ‘absurd’. This leaves no doubt where Dawkins stands.

The Haart Chalice.
The internationally-known American religionist John Blanchard,
with some 18 million copies of his Christian apologetics publications
in print in over 50 languages, concedes that “the resurrection of
Jesus is directly related to the integrity of the New Testament,
the credibility of the Bible as a whole, and even the existence
of the God it reveals.” I agree, unflinchingly.

Author John Blanchard then tackles Richard Dawkins assumptions head on:

"We would expect Dawkins to concentrate his closest arguments on his own question: 'Did he himself [Jesus] come alive again, three days after he was crucified?' Having pinpointed the critical issue, what amount of space does he give to addressing it? How much time does he spend in assessing the evidence? What proof does he produce to show it never happened? One word answers all three questions: None!"

Here we are then on Maundy Thursday, or the Thursday before Easter, and we plainly can see the Divinity of Christ -is constantly under attack by satanistic and atheistic writers like Richard Dawkins and the anti-faith mass media around the world. But while John Blanchard is a master of supporting Christian belief, neither of these authors will change the basic belief of those who are either for- or against -believing that Christ indeed rose from the dead or that he was crucified, dead, and buried and rose again on the third day according to holy scriptures.

^ A Crusader's Sleeping Quarters.

It's all to do with faith, that no amount of human science can explain away for folkz like me who have no reason to dilute or reject my own strong English Anglican and Protestant belief that Jesus Christ, God's His Only Begotten Son, is for real!! Case closed ... at the very least for me!!
Easter Blessings, Uncle Monty.
+Maundy Thursday, 2oo9.

:: The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life ::

Weekly Update: Christians' Views on the Return of Christ.



1 comment:

Anni Goldman --- said...

Uncle Monty, Hi There ---
Regarding the subject about religion. Most of it is rubbish. You sound like a religious person. Don't expect people to believe what you believe. Religion has done more harm than good to the world. You condemn Islam. It is about time you did the same with
the Protestant religion. I have been an agnostic for many years.I was born Jewish. I am free from all the religious brainwashing. Try it and see what it can do for you --- Sincerely your's Anni Goldman ---