
Yom Hashoah Ve-Hegevurah. By Uncle Monty.

Yom Hashoah Ve-Hagevurah.
Story By Uncle Monty.
Photos By Alex Albion.
They stood respectfully gathered to remember
"The Holocaust Jews" did the ambassadors,
military officers, noted politicians of the most
liberal kind, old diehard communist party
members, ex-soldiers of past wars, and
a few hundred various representatives
of the public along with the rabbi, the bishop,
the mayor and the town crier. Bold bodyguards
and groomed chauffeurs also stood stiffly by in
the shade of the bright mid-morning sunlight.
All there had come to sombrely and solemnly
mark Yom Hashoah Ve-Hagevurah at the
Soviet War Memorial on what is known as
Holocaust Memorial Day, 2oo9, held this year
at London’s evergreen garden of Geraldine
Mary Harmsworth. I was glad that I could
be present there, too. The invitation to me to
attend the one-hour Memorial Ceremony was
more than welcomed by me. And, I suspect
did others who were so invited to attend.
People Gathering for the start
of the Yom Ha-Shoah Ceremony.
It was my first ever encounter with the Yom Ha-Shoah
Ceremony. It was also my first encounter with important
CIS ambassoadors and Russian Military and Defense
Attachès to the United Kingdom. I was also glad to meet
there again such old acquaintances of mine like Peter
Moore, London’s noted and official Town Crier; and
yet again the urbane Rt. Rev'd Christopher Chessun,
Anglican Bishop of Woolwich, who has the potential of
perhaps being a future Archbishop of Canterbury. I
do hope so. While Lib-Dem and openly gay Simon
Hughes, M.P. was a good bet to meet him again
like I did. He was one of the speaker, too, at the
ceremony in remembrance of the millions of
Holocaust Jews that died by the evil deeds
of pure German Nazism.
Old Acquaintances of Mine: Town Crier
Peter Moore and (r) Bishop Christopher.
As for Rabbi Alan Greenbat, O.B.E, of
The Chief Rabbi's Office of Great Britian,
he and I had lovely chats both before and
after the impressive ceremony that began
with singing Psalm 23 - The Lord's My
Shepherd. It was our first personal en-
counter and it was so delightful ... He re-
minisced with me about his childhood and
of his chemist father at Kennington Road,
which is just a stone's throw from where
the Yom Ha-Shoah ceremony actually
took place. The rabbi also lived for awhile
at Pittsburgh in America, so he told me.
Rabbi Greenbat, now a very youngish
80 year-old, also officiated at the
ceremony so well indeed.
My Graphic of Russian Defense Attachès.
I am unable right now to finish this piece
for the day has been a very long one for me
with two other events taking me else where
for much of the day. So come tomorrow, I
hope I can tell you more about the actual
ceremony and perhaps present a few more
of the many photographs that I took of
those present at today's sombre and
solemn Yom Ha-Shoah.
:: UPDATE ::
After what is now yesterday's ceremony,
I have today uploaded a new set of eight
photographs taken by me during the
Yom Ha-Shoah Ceremony. Therefore,
please see Part 2 of my complete story.
Shalom, Uncle Monty.
Holocaust Memorial Day, 2oo9.

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