
Now All Agog With All Things Called Obama. An Opinion By Uncle Monty.

Now All Agog With All Things Called Obama.
An Opinion By Uncle Monty.
Some folks are already sick and tired of hearing his name,
which also includes me. And, for the next couple of days
the world’s news media will ram down our throats even
more that’s all agog with all things called Barack Hussein
Obama as the American capital of Washington, D.C.,
prepares for perhaps as many as 2 million swooning
Obama fans to flock to his presidential 3-day
celebration and inauguration that began today. It's
going to be by far a predominantly black affair of
the like that White America has never before seen.
His actual legal swearing-in as president under oath
is set for Tuesday – January 20th, 2oo9 - as the first
African-American to become U.S. President. On that
same day, the most detested U.S. President of modern
times - George W. Bush - finally leaves The White
House after eight long years of his murderous and
ignorant assault upon the world.
As cowboy Bush's vile name rides off into the
Texas sunset, Obama’s own name rises to new
heights that even overshadow the historic and
respected black name of America's assassinated
civil rights leader The Rev’d Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr., whose national birthday is coincident-
ally marked tomorrow on the eve of Obama's
presidential swearing-in.
Many African-Americans, and other Africans in
such far flung places as their ghettoised enclaves
of Europe, and those in Africa itself, are now
joyously claiming they’re some how related by
family or ancestry to Obama when they’re no
more related to him than I am a white monkey
owner or a Chinese zoo keeper. Whatever, blacks
around the world are proud and excited at seeing
"their" Obama in the Oval Office. So, too, are
open leftists, Muslims, abortionists or baby
killers, gayboyz, liberation artists, democrats,
human rights activists, trade union leaders,
anti-neocons, anarachists, anti-racist agitators,
and an assortment of oldball internationalists.
Almost every other leftwinger seems to have now
come out of the woodwork to declare his or her
firm allegiance and adoration to all things Obama.
Such is so sick and so scary for folks like me, who
don't buy, nor ever will, into Obamamania
of any kind.
Such glee for Obama is really pitiful since his
meteoric rise is based more on his nation’s and
the world’s “anti-Bushism” than on knowing
who Obama really is. Since his election last Nov.
4th, the black gentleman has been portrayed
by the mass media as an expert on just about
anything that comes his political way. Yet, in
reality he is an expert on nothing other than
beating the Republican spectre of the ogre
and detestable George W. Bush and the then
lack lustre and elderly Republican John
Walker McCain III, 72, who was Obama's
2oo8 presidential election rival.
Other than that, we know sweet nothing about
how Barack Hussein Obama will finally turn
out as the nation's 44th President. Who knows?
He could be even worse than the Bush night-
mare despite all the present public glow of
Obamamania seemingly all around the world.
Just Who In The Hell Is He?
Under the real or imaginary fear stemming from the
result of Bush’s contrived and created “War on Terror,”
all the paranoid Federal law enforcement agencies
from the U.S. Secret Service to the FBI to the ATF
have now put Washington under virtual siege to counter
any threat, no matter how small or unreal, to the nation's
capital and U.S. Capitol and to Obama himself. The Yan-
kees have now done much like what the Chinese Comm-
unist apparatus did at last year’s Olympic Games inside
Beijing – sweep the streets of all who might somewhow
be considered “undesireable,” including those Dupont
Circle homeless at where I myself once was homeless
just a few weeks after Bush’s final 2005 and 2nd
inauguration that cost $40 million while the
Washington homeless shivered literally to death on
the downtown streets just a few blocks away from
The White House itself. I once sat very early in the
morning almost frozen myself on a public bench at
Dupont only to realise that the homeless man next
to me was already frozen to death – period. It made
me sick inside my empty and cold stomach. I was
then taught a real lesson about the Real America,
wasn't I? Sure thing. Ah, and yes, the Obama Cir-
cus in D.C. today is costing $100 million to per-
form against Bush's "poultry" $40 million ...
The lineup for the Obama Inauguration also
includes an ungodly "Dollop of Gayness" by the
invited gay Episcopal cleric V. Gene Robinson,
who I myself met and photographed at last
year's Hay Festival in Wales after I also met
and photographed there ex-U.S. President
Jimmy Carter. The Robinson fellow has helped
to put aslunder the whole worldwide Anglican
Communion of which I am a standing member
by virtue of being an avid and open Anglican
who happens to also unequivocally oppose all
things regarding the immoral New Hampshire
bishop that is the scandal of today's quivering
Anglicanism. Gay Gene was called upon after
many Obama party loyalists roundly condem-
ned the earlier selection of the conservative
Evangelist Rick Warren in doing the invocation
at the inauguration. Perhaps instead of coming
in his bishop's dress, Gene Robinson will feel at
liberty to fiddle instead with his "married" gay
lover at the nation's Washington Mall before or
after his "Episcopal blessing" to Obama and his
adoring crowd? Nothing would surprise me now
about Gene, unless he suddenly dropped dead.
I wouldn't blink an Anglican eyelid, if he so did.
Outside the Washington Beltway, with or with-
out the Obama Inauguration now underway, the
Deep South and in the back country of America,
there is a seething and swelling anti-black brigade
of staunch Repubicans, Prairie white folks and
“anti-Obamarists” who now detest and loathe him
for being the first African-American to enter The
White House and to presumably now sleep, when-
ever he wishes, in even the sacred Lincoln Bed-
room itself at where only white presidents have
hitherto slept. The thought of a black man now
there adds to their utter dismay and visual
hatred of him. While on the other hand, demo-
crats the world over are falling over themselves
at the “aura” of Obama and his clean sweep of
all things Republican or of any thing politically-
tainted by those who are seen as grossly or
midly pro-Bush or steadfast rightwing. Thus,
America and the world is now all agog with
all things called Obama, except for
some of those other good folk.
:: Barack Obama Background ::
As challenges mount, ardor for Obama cools abroad
By Associated Press
But the honeymoon will soon be over for
Barack Hussein Obama as very sticky
situations must be dealt with like
Israel's recent outrageous slaughter at Gaza
against Hamas and the Palestinian innocent;
the American domestic economic freefall and
downturn that sees more Americans becoming
increasingly jobless and homeless; the nuclear
configuration regarding Iran and North Korea,
of which I have both visited, will continue to
beckon on the world stage; the terrible horror
of Bush's unilateral invasion and occupation,
along with the help of his hideous fellow war
criminal Anthony Blair of Britain, of Iraq at
now trillions of wasted dollars along with the
umpteen thousands of the innocent so maimed,
detained, tortured and/or insanely killed off
by his vicious and vile U.S. military that is now
moving slowly toward somekind of disengage-
ment of Almighty America from Iraq under the
political promise of Obama. These are only a
few headaches of many that will test the new
president almost immediately after his Tuesday
Inauguration. How he deals with them must not
be Obama window dressing, but rather substantial
innovation from whatever the nasty George W.
Bush has left him and the nation to heal now for
the future good of America and the world. "Now
all agog with all things called Obama" must be
more than just niffy words from here on out, Mr.
Obama. Personally, however, I cannot see right
now how your promise is all that promising.
Whatever, good luck to you for sure ...
Crowds complicate Obama inaugural security
Man charged with threatening Obama on
website: Steven Joseph Christopher is charged
Venezuela's Chavez says Obama has "stench" of Bush
Iraq occupation Bush's "mother of all mistakes"
By Ulf Laessing and Rania El Gamal
Feeling really good, Uncle Monty.
+The 2nd Sunday after The Epiphany, 2oo9.
An added afterthought:
If Barack H. Obama should come to any harm at any
time during his Black Presidency, America should ex-
pect to see the "Mother of All Race Riots" take place
there that could lead to a permanent state of siege
between the races that could well turn the
whole country inside out like nothing else
before seen at the US of A.
Now Just Alittle Bit About My Birthday Today ...
I want to first send my many thankz to those who
have kindly given me their thoughtful presents on
this my January 18th birthday of today. They inc-
ludes fine Jan Mol of The Netherlands, the retired
ambassador, I believe, to the UK. He came and
gave me his generous and belated-xmas-cum-his-
birthday gift of £200.00- for me. Jan is one of the
kindest and most generous of my many kind and
generous friends. Then durable and always very
dear Jill Ferguson came by and thoughtfully gave
me her lovely birthday gift of the profusely and
exquisitely-illustrated 368-page Anglican
Book of Common of Prayer by the renowned
Ebury Press. Jill's gift to me is based on the
original text of the 1662 BCP. I just love read-
ing it ... I really do. Dare I also mention lovely
Elizabeth Middleton? She has been away quite
along time after she returned home to Durban,
South Africa, to take care of her ailing father
who recently died after all of Elizabeth's 10
months of close loving care of him before his
own death just weeks ago. I was sad to hear
of her sad news, but was so happy to see her
again and quite unexpectedly, too, along with
her birthday gift of the hard-to-find South
African five shilling Crown pieces in solid silver
dated from the Boar War. How Elizabeth rem-
embered my birthday beats me and how she
also knew I am fond of collecting old and rare
coins, too. But she did. Thank you, my dear.
To Jan, Jill, and three or four others like
Karen Young, Bill and Catherine Oglivy,
Jackie DeLaney, and James York, I also
again say thank you ever so much ... And, I
do feel younger today than I did yesterday.
Really? Oh, Blimey ... Later today, I have
been invited to my Birthday Dinner with
my good friends The Dawson Family.
Enjoy such, I indeed will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

President Obama is going to be fine. Don't worry your little head about those who don't like him. The vast majority of Americans like or love him. People all over the world are standing by our new president. You also should. No the man is not perfect. We elected a good man, but not a pope. Thank you. Adios.