My Heart Op. By Uncle Monty.
Incidental Photos By Alex Albion.
British Heroes Photo By Gary Day.
Medical Images From The Web.
As heart operations go, the surgical procedures of
Cardiac Catheter and Coronary Angioplasty are
relatively pain-free and rather quick as it happened
for the heart patient that was me. And whose heart
operation just three days ago was a resounding
success at England's world renowned Guy's & St.
Thomas' Hospital that proudly stands just across from
the River Thames at where London's Houses of
Parliament can also be easily and freely viewed.
The two highly-skilled and superbly-trained British
cardiologists that operated on me then inserted a Stent
right inside my bad heart to allow one of my bad
arteries to open up and to give renewed life and fresh
air against my cardiovascular disease. The op took
around an hour or so has I was wheeled back to
the Stephen Ward on the 7th Floor of
the 12 floor St. Thomas' Hospital.
As I arrived back at my No. 3 Daycare bed, I put
my thumbs up in the air as my fellow patients and great
nurses cheered or waved at me. Fame at last, I thought!
It was so exciting and such a joy to be granted an ex-
tention of my life despite many hardships and the
viciously-cruel lies that I have endured against my
unperfect character, my strong social and political
opinions, my deeply religious convictions, my sins
of the past, and my ever open Protestant lifestyle.
Such hardships and lies mean absolutely nothing when
you suddenly realize the overwhelming joy of a very
successful heart operation that could have easily ended
with an heart attack or a major stroke or an immediate
hospital death during or after the cardiologists had
done their very medical best to help you. I deeply
thank them and, of course, the Good Lord that I now
live from here on to tell you this my story and this is my
song right here at this my little blog for all the world to
see and hopefully digest if they wish. Wooooooow!
My only regret is that I couldn't photographically
record all that happened to me during my St. Thomas'
hospital stay from the beginning to the end. I should
have tried by taking my usual cameras with me, but
I did not after being advised not to bring valuables
with you while at hospital. Right, they are!!
During my operation, I watch alot of it on the plasma
TV screens right inside the operating theatre. It was
utterly fascinating and abit macabre to me with one's
heart not being exactly a pretty sight to see. Yet in
its ugliness it brings vital body blood for life itself and
without it you're sadly as dead as a door nail - period.
We take our heart for granted until it begins to fail
us for one reason or another. Once it's restored or
renewed you then begin to truly appreciate it and
never again take it for granted. There is almost a
new reverence toward it. At least in my
own case, there certainly is.
ECG Tracing Is One of Many Steps Taken
Before The Heart Operation Takes Place.
The best time to have surgery is when one is in other-
wise good health and steady mental and physical fit-
ness such has was the case with me aside from my bad
heart condition that first begin prior to my 6oth birthday.
I had had three previous "silent" heart attacks that I
was completely unaware of until I was informed by my
British consultant cardiologist on my return to the UK
after many years in the US of A. I dread to think what
it would have cost me to have had the same heart op-
eration in America like I now have had at St. Thomas'.
I've been given a figure of at least a $35,000 medical bill
from any rip-off Yankee hospital doing an heart op-
eration like mine. It didn't cost me a dime in the UK.
Thank goodness! "Never get sick in America." they
say. How true with such astronomical health charges.
Folkz in the UK also bad mouth their National Health
Service (NHS), but if they got sick in America they
would be the first to jump for joy at the NHS. I for one
have nothing but praise for the fine doctors and matrons
who give each year of their very best to millions of NHS
patients that they medically serve just like me. Guy's &
St. Thomas' Hospital is a classic example of all that is
good about the NHS. Don't try to tell me otherwise -
it simply won't wash with me!!
And yes before I forget, approaching hostpital surgery in
a positive manner is half the battle already won. So when
I entered the hospital operating theatre, I went with a very
positive attitude knowing such was important to have at
such a critical and life-threatening stage in my cardiac and
medical condition. If you go with doom and gloom, it
is bound to be a doom and gloom experience that
neither helps you nor your doctors. Say a little prayer
at least to get you on your way. And be sure to ex-
press your thanks loud and clear to the cardiologists
or surgeons who have successfully operated on you.
Here then comes the new sunshine of your life!!
Take hold of it and never let it go ...
Super Surgeons At Heart Work!
Beside my two cardiologists, there was five other
medical technicians and emergency nurses there to
back up those surgeons at every beck and call.
They kept a constant eye on everything during the
coronary angioplasty of mine. I was fully awake
during the whole procedure, has I think I men-
tioned before, as I diligently watched upfront as
my heart was being successfully operated on. It
was at times almost surreal to say the least. In fact,
the whole experience was nothing like what I had
expected it would be. When I left the operating
theatre I was dizzy with amazement and joy and,
of course, with utter relief. I never felt so better
until it had all taken place in front of my old,
yet bright, Anglican eyes and Protestant mind.
Now with much joy, Uncle Monty.
+Sexagesima, 2012.
Tell Me, Graham, It Isn't So!
The Sad Downfall of ex-Law Partner Richard
Graham Simkin of Fulbright & Jaworski
at the London branch of the international
American law firm.
By Uncle Monty.
Feedback & Comments
Marking The 10th Anniversary Death of Our Beloved Josh
Chin & Josh Carver at Age 17 Each. Remembered, Always.
Who Said My Contessa Maria Was Poor? Contessa's
Broach with 26 Diamonds Set in 18ct. Rose Gold. Circa:
1777. Est. Value: $325K. From Her Partial English Estate
That She Says She'll Leave To Me, If She Doesn't Get
The Auction Price That She Wants for her Rare Broach!
That's just fine with me, my dear Maria!!
St. Edmund of Canterbury.
Come Fly With Me ...
Snowy Midnight From My London Bedroom Window
{ Click on any image to Enlarge }
Monty Dearest, Two things struck me. 1, your heart op story was so
heart-warming (excuse pun). You
just stated it in such a simple way
without going into any of the gunk.
So happy to hear of your survival.
2, It is me or what? The picture of you at the top of the page with the Army private Rich Thorborn at the British Heroes Dinner stuck me so much as both of you look so much like kith and kin. You look like the father and he looks like the son. So, is it me or what? Both of you look just fine to me I must say. My good wishes to you both. Sally w/lots of love Xx.
Monty - You poor thing, glad you survived!!! It was of course our good Lord, who needs you to be around a little longer, and we would all miss you!
You forgot to send the photo's.!!
Hope we shall see you before long? Are you back in London for a bit.
Will be away this week, but back from mid next week. X warm wishes Marie Church.
Hi Monty - I’m so glad your operation was successful. We love the blog and thank you for your postcard from Bethlehem which is up on the wall in our new office. See you at another gig soon we hope! Best wishes. Marie Benton, CWNN.
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