
My View of Mother Russia From Red Square. By Uncle Monty At Moscow.

My View of Mother Russia From Red Square.
By Uncle Monty At Moscow.
World leaders and the world press will be present at
Sunday's Victory Day Parade that is ceremoniously
held at Moscow's Red Square with thousands upon
thousands of spectators and admirers from all around
the world gathered to watch the awesome military
and Russian spectacle.
Contessa Maria and me have also be invited to attend
the 65th anniversary parade that marks the then Soviet
Union's overthrow of the invading and cocksure Nazis
inside Mother Russia. Their military and tactical mis-
calculation of Mother Russia's huge and battle-ready
Red Army was to send the Third Reich soldiers into
untold misery and humiliating defeat of the like that
eventually brought the surrender of Nazi Germany
to its knees and the end of the Second World War.
Stalin's Ghost Haunts Russia's Moment of Glory.
By Michael Schwirtz.
World Biggest Building Set For Russia's Capital.
In the back of mind now, I am still waiting
to hear the final voting results and electoral news
from yesterday's British General Election, 2010.
All I remember from yestersday was the rude en-
counter of that Lib-Dem council woman Jane Nicola
Salmon toward me at my local London polling
station. But standing now far away here at Red
Square from London, I can now see how really
pathetic and petty she really was for Godsake.
Inside View Moscow of Old Mother Russia.

While here inside Russia, I will take a very needed rest from my many blog stories and will report next from the Imperial Capital of St. Petersburg in about 5 or so days after also taking a fascinating train journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway with dear Maria, who as usual as kindly underwritten yet again another of my world trips with her. We shall be here then for the next 12 days, if we're not impeded on our return from Russia by that huge and monsterous cloud of volcanic ash that is streaming on and off from Iceland.

She goes back to the States and I go back to ever-dreary England that will be little or no better thesedays no matter who should finally prevail to govern over the country after yesterday's British General Election. All I hope is that New Labour will be banished from public and political life and unelected from the seat of power that they have abused and mishandled for 13 long and depressing years in the UK. My fear, however, is that they'll cling to whatever power they can retain no matter if the majority of the British electorate rejects them after having a belly full of their ultasocialist and loony leftist policies like massive immigration, which I saw yet again at my local polling station just yesterday in which Africans and foreigners swarmed all over the place to vote, of course, for their sugar "saviour" called Gordon Brown and hideous New Labour.

Britan is no longer British per se, since its become a 'mongrel country' with millions of immigrants and foreigners deliberately imported by New Labour to take control away from the the original people of England. What has now been produced is a country called "Broken Britain" that is now irrepairable and completely degraded by the New and Old Socialists holding power over the now ghettoized and foreignized country of what was once my beloved England.

From Russia With Love, Uncle Monty At Moscow.

Post-Election Day, 2010.
Here's Where I and Maria Are Inside Mother Russia! ~~~
Dear Monty. I have cast my vote by post and always

appreciate your wisdom and views. Will be thinking of

you very much in Red Square! Go well and take care.

Fondest aye, Anne (Fergusson) of UKPWC.

Russian Orthodox leader says church will not interfere in politics Warsaw. A leader in the Russian Orthodox Church has insisted his church has no wish to be an official State denomination and will never side with any single political force. "The threat that the church will be used by government doesn't exist today," said Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, chairperson of the Moscow Patriarchate's Department for External Church Relations, Russia's Interfax news agency has reported."Far from giving precedence to any political party or political power, the Russian church upholds the "principle of equidistance." It cannot interfere in politics, support one party against another or identify itself with any political power," said Hilarion, speaking at a Moscow meeting with young Orthodox Christians. However, the church also counted on the State to reciprocate by not interfering in church affairs, he stated. Ecumenical News Service (ENI). May 6th, 2010.

Russian Court Jails 2 Men for Eating Teenage Girl

The New York Times


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Amy said...

Hello Monty! Do have a great trip to Russia with Lady Maria. The chat with you at the polling station yesterday was a treat.
You offer your strong opinions with no hesitation. That's good.
Sorry to read about that silly
woman. She picked on the wrong guy like you. Did she get back in?
I will be reading more from your best blog over the weekend. Have
a good one in Moscow for me ...
Lol, Amy.


Dearest Monty, my dear one. Thinking alot about you while you're in Russia. Do have a safe and wonderful time there. Knowing you, I am sure you'll have some great stories and photographs of "Mother" Russia to share on your great blog. Do get back back safely dearest one. All my love from Durban, as usual, to you. ELIZABETH MIDDLETON, DBE. PS. I suppose you're still bowing to Maria and forgetting me ... I will still be here long after she's gone my dearest one ...