
Crimes of the Immigrants. By Uncle Monty.

Crimes of the Immigrants.
By Uncle Monty.
Lead Photo By Alex Albion.
Just two examples of crimes by the immigrants
inside the UK are given here as reported by the
British newspapers in today's morning editions.
The crime against the Little Old Dear Olive
Stephens, at age 91, is a perfect example of crimes
by the immigrants. She was mowed down to death
by the failed Chinese asylum seeker Tian Bin Xue,
who went into hiding for four years until recently
being discovered and found hidden in a kitchen
cupboard. Car driving so dangerously, Bin Xue
killed the Little Old Dear like killing a road rat.
Muslim Master Crook Abdullah Azad, 76.
A secret document forger by trade, the man
was considered a "respectable" member of the
Manchester Muslim immigrant community was
the 76 year-old Abdullah Azad. He forged
hundreds of documents and passport stamps
that allowed illegal immigrants to stay "legally"
inside the UK. His illegal craft made him relatively
rich at charging prices for his passport forgeries
of thousands of quids here and there. Abdullah
Azad is yet another immigrant helping other
immigrants to illegally stay inside the UK,
which has been flooded beyond belief by
immigrants under treacherous New Labour's
extreme and massive immigration admissions.
:: UPDATE ::
How Uncle Azad, the master forger, gave thousands
of illegal immigrants a passport to Britain.
By Tom Rawstorne.
Just about anybody from the whole wide world,
but most especially the educationally-lowest
and socially-crudest Africans, are admitted to
the UK and who then want to stay and help
New Labour destroy my very own country
absolutely and completely before my
Anglican eyes and English mind.
Crimes of the immigrants are now so rampant
inside Broken Britain that hideous New Labour is
in denial in dealing with the ever growing numbers
of criminal immigrants and European Union foreigners
committing their open crimes from murder to rape to
armed robbery and to street muggings with almost
impunity and in many cases also with immunity! I
have been a London crime victim myself of such
criminal immigrants, who as a group are overload-
ing the British court and police system to breaking
point with their huge immigrant numbers and their
widespread crime at all levels and at all major
urban areas of the UK. New Labour doesn't give
a damn as long as they can gate crash the country
with their non-stop beloved immigrants who they
see as their political lifeblood for generations to
come and who will probably vote Labour en masse
to ensure they then hold unbroken power until there
is probably some kind of social revolt or a civil war
of some sort and a likely race bloodbath which
will bring dear old England to her knees at the
bloody hands of the warped breed of the super-
socialists of destruction of all things that was once
good and true before the created invasion of the
Third World at the UK under today's vile New
Labour socialists and their far left violent loonies.
In the meantime, neither Tian Bin Xue nor
Abdullah Azad will be deported for their crimes.
Whatever little time they will spend being locked-
up among their many other fellow criminal im-
migrants at Britain's bursting prison population
that is is bearly containable under decrepit New
Labour. No wonder they're planning to spend
BILLIONS - not just millions - of dollars on new
prison construction that will see super-size prisons
scattered across the face of what was once our
lovely country now doomed by millions of unwanted
and potentially-dangerous immigrants being har-
boured freely under the guise of forced multicult-
uralism and multiracialism upon the British
people by the UK's vile Labour Party. Whoever
gave New Labour the right to do what they have
done against the will of the people? NO BODY!!
What they've done to Britain is absolutely criminal!!
If you want to see the shocking evidence of
the mugshots and criminal records of thousands
upon thousands of immigrant criminals inside
today’s UK, then I can only urge you to visit the
extraordinary website of “I Am An Englishman.”
It’s a rivetting revelation of what New Labour has
done to us under its massive, and albeit criminal,
immigration policy that will not come to end until
British Labour is completely thrown out of office
and hopefully at next week’s General Election
on May 6th, 2010. Now read all you can about
our "lovely" and free immigrant scumbagz at:
Crimes of arrival: immigrants and asylum-seekers in the new Europe
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View By Frances Webber.
Cited by 11 - Related articles Crimes of arrival: immigrants and
asylum-seekers in the New Europe. 2 - Why? What's going on?
Why the upsurge in the past few years of human smuggling ...
Vexed, Uncle Monty.
+Beauty Is In The Eye of The
Beholder, 2010.

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