
Electrocardiographicalisticulite ... Nice word, yep?

Whether or not I've correctly spelled the
word "Electrocardiographicalisticulite"
-- some 32 words making it perhaps one
of the longest or elongated words I've
ever seen -- is not the point here.
Rather, it's to do with me being sub-
jected to such during my appointment
at Old Thomas Guy's at the Southwark
Wing. What in heaven's name does such
a word mean? Yes, it's medical for sure
in meaning, but I'm still at a loss
to understand not only what the word
means but why such a word needs to be so
looooooooooooooong. Is there a doctor out
there who can figure out the real meaning
of "electocardographicalisticulite" in
simple layman's terms? If so, please post
here your response for me and us all ...
Kudos, Monty. +2nd Sunday in Lent, 2oo8.
:: UPDATE ::
Patti Patterson writes:
Monty dear, you've missed the 'i'
in the 'cardo' part of the word.
You'll find 32 letters in the word.
What it means exactly I do not know,
dear, but I think it is some fancy
jargon in hospitals for heart matters.
Thanx Patti. I have now corrected
the word and added the "i." Guess
you're right about the meaning, too.
Your's Monty. +Vigil of St. Wulfric, 2oo8.

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