
Inside The 7th Homeless World Cup. HWC Story By Uncle Monty.

Inside The 7th HWC.
Story By Uncle Monty.
HWC Photos By Alex Albion.
My eyesight is pretty good for my old age, I think.
So I think I can honestly swear that I didn’t see one
single publicity poster or a city billboard at Italy's downtown
Milano announcing or publicising to its 1.3 million citizens that
the world sport event of the 7th Homeless World Cup (HWC)
was actually in town. And I went all over town, too, but I
still didn’t eye a thing about the presence of global homeless
football from 48 nations right in town. No, not a thing. True,
I saw alot of other great posters still on the city walls and
billboards and buses and trams and metro telling every-
body of the National Boxing Championships from the
previous week which was now past and finished at
Milano. The boxers had, after all, now gone back home!
In their place, football players from around the world
had arrived to vigorously play their international
games with good sportsmanship and good comradie.
HWC Opening Parade at Milano, 2oo9.
So did I get it all wrong or what? I don't think so
unless I am blind. The only local posters and small
billboards that I saw was right at the interior and exterior
of the stadium walls of the Civica Arena at Sempione Park
at where the 7th Homeless World Cup was played at the
official venue from 6th-13th, September, 2oo9.
Without local publicity, such a venue is made dead
to the locals. Milano is a well-known Italian football
crazy city and such fans would have come in their
droves to watch street-rule football at the HWC had
they been made more aware of what was going on
right under their nose. I think HWC needs in future to
have a signed agreement with the host city to ensure
blanket publicity is secured and provided for at the local
and/or national levels at both before and during the
ongoing homeless games. Such seems certain not to
have happened at the Milano 2oo9 HWC from what
I personally saw and observed. Of course, I may
be wrong regarding such details between
Milano and the HWC.

3 of 6 Italian Army Generals Overseeing HWC.
My good eyesight didn't see any posters downtown, but
I certainly did eye the Italian military and her generals
festooning at the Milano HWC instead of the civilian police
being put in charge of stadium security. Why on earth would
you have such high ranking military officers - from the high
ranks of Brigadier-Generals to Major-Generals - being
involved in manning a sports venue of the kind the 7th
Homeless World Cup represents? Did the Milano civil and
military authorities expect a bunch of thugz or drunken and
savage football hooligans or what? Or did they expect a ragtag
of foreign rowdies ready to create violent havoc on the streets
of Milano or to riot on the open football stands or what? It
seemed to me that the Milano authorities had formed their
own pre-conceived and negative notions of homeless people.
Thus their prepared military response, if things for some
reason all went wrong with the foreign visiting homeless.
Nothing, of course, did go wrong. Why should it? The
players are groomed and honoured to be on their best
behaviour like they always are the HWC from the ones
I've seen at the far-flung cities of Melbourne to
Capetown to Copenhagen and to Milano. So there!!
Such was quite vexing to me to see such military generals
being deployed at homeless football matches instead of on
the battlefields of war for which I assume they were first
trained!! I suspect they nursed war games in their heads
as they pondered over the harmless players from the
four corners of the earth enjoying the knowledge that
"a ball can change the world." Hopefully, such a ball can
also help to change the views of the generals toward
those who are homeless. In the UK, we know that 1 in
4 homeless people are actually ex-military. That should
resonate even with the top military brass of whatever
country they come from. At least, hopefully ...
HWC Opening Ceremony.

England's Homeless Football Team.
Scotland's Homeless Football Team.
Homeless Football Team of Wales.
The Homeless Players Representing The USA.

I noticed that almost every white Western European teams had homeless blacks or other minorities as team players. While teams from Eastern and Northern Europe did not have a single minority homeless player. And, all the African teams had no white players! The Asian teams had only Asian players as seen with teammates from Japan and Hong Kong. China was not represented nor, of course, North Korea, at 7th HWC. But one day they may be! The two homeless teams that defected or requested asylum at Melbourne last year - Afghanistan, the 2008 HWC crowned champions, and Zimbabwe - I didn't see at this year's world cup either. This year I also saw what appeared to be an overall increase in the actual number of homeless black players on the various teams at HWC than from previous years. As for homeless women players, there needs to be more present and encouraged and trained for future world cups. I believe, too, that the world homeless cup can be expanded to include other sports, aside from great football, at some further point down the road. But for now, football is the key sport and that is just fine for the world's homeless players of today and tomorrow.

On the HWC Football Stands. ...
Abit of Italian Pageantry at HWC.
HWC's Own Elliot Stroud w/his good boss
HWC President Mel Young, before the first
Milano ball had been kicked off and scored!
Sport by its very nature is primarily for the young and physical. The Homeless World Cup is by its nature an endeavour to salvage the lives of the young and homeless. What such means is that the older homeless - those say over 35 years old - and those without any or little athletic ability due primarily to their age or individual disability, cannot hope to be included or participate in the HWC as a homeless team player for their country. Nor do they have a chance of benefiting from such a worthwhile and perhaps life changing experience that the HWC clearly engenders for many of the players on a personal and social level. My question is how can we apply to the older homeless some kind of program that will do for them what is now being done for the homeless young at the HWC? Certainly, any program that changes the lives of the young homeless is all for the good of the individual and for society at large. If the young stay homeless, they will grow to become the older homeless as they correspondingly grow physically old and emotionally more homeless. That's not good, period. I realise that the present older homeless, or those who are also rough sleepers, are tough customers to not only help but to change their lifestyle so that they can become a productive person both for themselves and again for society at large. How can you take something like the HWC and apply it then to those older folkz who are homeless and whose future at present is pretty dim? I don't know how you start such a thing or how it can be done. But I do know there must be something found that will help to reduce the numbers among the older homeless and rough sleepers! Such leading social entrepreneurs like Mel Young may be able to fathom out some sort of program that will specifically focus on helping those homeless who are no longer young or physical or athletic or even sports-minded. Mel also started The Big Issue Scotland, I believe, and he co-founded the Homeless World Cup. Selling steet papers can apply to almost any age group, but that doesn't do what the HWC does to radically change the condition and state of the homeless person to take personal steps to unbuckle himself from being homeless, being perhaps drug dependent, being perhaps a petty offender, being unemployed or jobless, being perhaps a drunken, and being a person without a fixed abode or a permanant roof over his or her head. Selling street papers doesn't bring care and love, but the HWC does in a very odd way. There is a sense of achievement, of belonging, of dignity and of worth, too, which doesn't easily come about by getting a couple of cold quid from some cold customer on the cold street buying a cold copy of The Big Issue from me the warm vendor. The HWC is then like a pot of gold for many players that brings about a deep desire and clear motivation on their part to change their old negatives into their new positives. If only that could be applied to all the homeless all over the world and for every age group, then a worldwide social revolution of the homeless is surely in the making! Let me stop myself now before I get myself carried away any further or sound more daft by the minute or coming over like a stupid old duffer!! I'm now crossing my fingers and my heart, nevertheless, in the hope that someone, somewhere, may fathom out some program or an answer for the global homeless based on something like HWC.
These Guyz Were Real Talented!!

The present Homeless World Cup, ironically, has already taken the first concrete steps to tackle the growing and pressing problem of global homelessness particularly among the young ... Well done!! Bravo!!! But how about the older and socially more difficult homeless men and women? Just a thought from me, who happenes to be an old critical fogy who was once homeless himself and who now goes around condemning inflated homeless charities and the like and especially those homeless spokespersons who needlessly live off the plight of the homeless with their false pride and sickening arrogance at the expense of the homeless and the marginalized. I make no apology for my harsh criticism and my open thoughts and my unequivocal opinions whether they're unpopular or not. One thing is very clear - I, without a shadow of doubt wholeheartedly support everything the HWC represents and is now doing around the world to combat global homelessness and to restore the dignity and worth and humanity of homeless people no matter what. "A ball can change the world," but the key is first to kick it and then to kick the evil enemy that is homelessness all around the world.
I am now unexhausted, after a good night of sound sleep.
Thus, I have now finished my latest story - Inside The 7th
Homeless World Cup - with all my imperfections and oddity.
I am also glad to now be back at home base after
the journey with Maria has taken us to Milano
and Moscow and back ...
Cheerz, Uncle Monty.
+Eve of Holy Cross Day, 2oo9.
...:: HWC UPDATE ::...
Dave Bidini investigates the homeless
world cup. Home(less) field victory.
By Dave Bidini, National Post.
A: Hey. Canadian writer here, been to the last 2 HWCs.
Just wanted to drop you a note about yr great blog.
Sat 09/19/09 07:25 pm
{Click on any image to Enlarge}


Shoji Muneoka said...

Dear Uncle Monty

Please confirm the receipt of this email if you are in a position to
write news features for our company in matters of politics and social issues in US and Europe

We contact you to represent our company after a careful review of your news profile

We are of the opinion that you may wish to represent us in North America and Europe in order for you to be our news writer outside of Japan

In order to achieve these objectives a good and reputable meeting with you is desirable either here in Japan, US, or Europe in order to impact and to handle future news assignments

Please advise us once you decide to take in this issue with us

Once more thank you for taking the time from your busy writing schedule to read this email

Yours respectfully
Shoji Muneoka
News Director
Nippon News Corporation
6-1, Otemachi 7-chome
Tokyo 100-8971

HTT. said...

Monty! A terrific presenation. The questions and issues you raise about the Milan homeless games has impressed me so. Mr. Young is the man who should respond to your points. I hope he does. The photos also tell your story so well from Milan. My best, HTT.

Filiberto Chavez said...

From: Filiberto Chavez filibertorc@yahoo.com
To: Uncle Monty

Please pray GOD gives me all the desires of my heart that are righteous in GODs eyes.Pray GOD sends me on the mission He has for me now,Pray GOD raises me a mile above those used by Satan to glorify GOD,Pray GOD Blesses me financially and always.Pray GOD heals my body completely now.Pray GOD brings me my soulmate In JESUS Name Amen.

cc: janehubbard@talktalk.net, indiesoul@hotmail.com, desgeo@ntlworld.com, ray.h@fsmail.net, brianhucks2@hotmail.co.uk, donhudd@hotmail.com, adelhudson@hotmail.co.uk, asahudson@ntlworld.com, davehudson.666@virgin.net, niciambusyhud@aol.com, newsscope@k.st, catweasel1@yahoo.co.uk, paul@huffen.co.uk, dean_hughes@btopenworld.com, jonfhughes@tiscali.co.uk, jth@tradersheaven.org, jkh@fsmail.net, xmalcomxhughes@aol.com, twoyou@hotmail.com, neilsonhughes@hotmail.com, forbilly@hotmail.com, big_m@tiscali.co.uk, irene.stuart@talk21.com, zoe.hughes3@ntlworld.com, stephenjohnhulbert@btinternet.com, rogue.elephant@btinternet.com, steveabba@aol.com, rmhfinancialservices@email.com, paul.humphrey@virgin.net, kh007w6346@blueyonder.co.uk, jakemarino@hotmail.co.uk, adrian@haqa.co.uk, thaunllen@tiscali.co.uk, jacuqli@aol.com, admin@jaylockltd.com, noaccount@fsmail.net, quehurst@aol.com, phutch@bloomberg.net, bnp@freebies-4-you.com, paul-hutchings37@msn.com, rayhutchings@talktalk.net, ronaldhuxford@aol.com, paddy6820@aol.com, dazinta001@aol.com, all653an@aol.com, inman@hotmail.co.uk, daveizzard@aol.com, JcksMart@aol.com
Date: Thu 09/17/09 12:58 AM

Editorial Team... said...

socialchangenews@gmail.com wrote:

From: Brigham Coombs socialchangenews@gmail.com
To: newsscope@k.st
Subject: Re: New Stories on 7th Homeless World Cup (HWC)...
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2009 2:47:15.00

Great stories indeed Alex... have Uncle Monty sign up for a free account with us and he will have access to the publishing platform... he can post his articles here also to get additional exposure...


Editorial Team



To: streetsoccercanada@mac.com, v.sgardello@viteaeurope.org,
publieksinfo@knvb.nl, info@gypafrica.org,milan@scuolaleonardo.com,sasha@irkedmagazine.com,
bookings@donnawilliams.net, john.somltz@sportsfrog.com,
stan@creativesports.com, jason@stickandmove.net, abates@utk.edu,
hahah@screw-you.com, drew@drewburns.com,
rballer@sportstoad.com, chris@thesportspod.com, scottie@canada.com,
sarah.payne@futsal.net.nz, kat@worldhomelesscup.org,
support@proxis.be, baronvonesslingen@yahoo.com,
svenalike@tiscali.co.uk, petula.martyn@limerickleader.ie,
bcd@sellthekinds.com, sam@mysportsradio.com, foursport@comcast.com,
tien@gothamist.com, secretariat@soco-wofoo-homelessscoccer.hk,newsscope@k.st>,david@streetsoccerscotland.org, support@blogged.com,
brian_seymour@baseview.com, daniel@droppingknowledge.org

Subject: New Stories on 2009 7th Homeless World Cup at Italy's Milano ...
Date: Fri 09/18/09 8:12 AM

Uncle Monty has written two detailed HWC stories for his global blog readership!

1 - Inside The 7th World Homeless Cup. 2 - Mamma Mia, Milano!

Many photos are include in his rivetting stories. kudos, jh.

:: And Also See Videoclips of Almost Snoozing HWC President Mel Young. Thankz to our Oz friend Dan Danielson for sending the weblink ... Poor Mel!


:: Thankz Annie York for compiling the 1,200 homeless/sports e-mail list herein used in small batches to promote Uncle Monty’s 7th HWC stories and his growing megablog.

:: Thankz also to the many folkz who have already replied to earlier mailings, but no word yet from anybody at HWC to Uncle Monty's HWC stories and photos ... Pity!

Cox Charles said...

My Beloved Uncle Monty.
I am Cox Charles and i got your contact on my personal search of the person i want to will my money to.Please i willed the sum of FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND US DOLLARS to you, that is the only money left in my account right now.I grew up as an Orphan and i don't have anybody/family member to take
care of my belongings.The total money in question is $400,000.00 dollars.I will provide you with other information's once you indicate your willingness.

Please if you really want to know why i have willed this money to you and you want this money to be transferred to you please get me for more information and how the money will be sent to you.


God Bless you.
Cox Charles
Date: Fri 09/18/09 011:08 AM.