

British Zionized Press. By Gilad Atzmon.
Israel's Outworn War Threats Against Iran.
By Guest Writer Kourosh Ziabari.
Edited By Uncle Monty At Paris.
Story Graphic By Alex Albion.
(A) glimpse into the Israeli Hasbara's/Mossad's/Sayanim's
 opertion in the UK (has now been revealed, accidentally). 
 It explains how Israel and its agents manage to dominate
news coverage in Britain and beyond. It seems from a leaked
 email as if BICOM (British Israel Communication &
Research Centre) runs the news desk for the BBC, Sky
and the Financial Times. I guess that (three weeks ago)
 The Guardian also joined the party. It is now
an official Israeli propaganda outlet.
Shockingly enough, not a single British paper was brave enough
 to report the story or publish the leaked email. Surely they know
who their masters are. The message is pretty clear. British press
 is not trustworthy. It is as Zionized as our political system. 
Bicom 'embarrassed' by misdirected email:
 There were red faces at Bicom this week when an email from its
director intended for donors was in fact sent to the organisation's
 media database.  The email, sent by Lorna Fitzsimons, the director
of the organisation, "dedicated to creating a more supportive environ-
ment for Israel in Britain", stated: "Throughout the weekend, Bicom
staff were in contact with a whole host of BBC and Sky news desks
and journalists, ensuring that the most objectively favourable line was
 taken, and offering talking heads, relevant to the stories unfolding."
What Can We Believe Anymore In The British Press?
She added: "Bicom has one of BBC News' key anchors on a
 bespoke delegation. When planning her very first trip to the region,
Sophie Long got in touch with Bicom to see if we could help her out
with meeting in the region. Sophie is now spending three days of
her trip with Bicom Israel, taking a tour around the Old City,
meeting [Israeli government spokesman] Mark Regev ...
as well as visiting Ramallah and Sderot."
Most embarrassing, however, was the revelation that Fitzsimons
 - a former NUS president and Labour MP for Rochdale - had
"briefed Jonathan Ford, the Financial Times leader writer for his
 upcoming leading article" in the paper. She noted Bicom had
 "regular contact with the Editor at Large of Prospect Magazine,
David Goodhart, helping to inform him about the (then)
forthcoming UN vote on Palestinian statehood".
A Bicom spokesman told the Jewish News that this "administrative
 error" was "slightly embarrassing". He stressed that Fitzsimons
had not been "asked to resign or had offered her resignation".
BICOM Analysis: Israel-Turkey relations after the Palmer
Report, which details the events that took place, their aftermath
 and associated implications. In particular, the briefing examines
the explanations for hostilities between Israel and Egypt, and
the responses to the events in Israel, Egypt and internationally.
 Throughout (that) the weekend, BICOM staff were in contact
with a whole host of BBC and SKY news desks and journalists,
 ensuring that the most objectively favourable line was taken,
 and offering talking heads, relevant to the stories unfolding.
 BICOM's Senior Analyst Dr. Noam Leshem, briefed the BBC
 World News Editorial Board on Saturday afternoon regarding
 the fall-out from the Israel Egyptian Embassy siege. After
contact with the BICOM Media Team, SKY News changed
their narrative in explaining the prior events in the region
which lead up to (that) weekend, eventually acknowledging
that both Egyptians AND Israelis were killed in Sinai
a (few weks) ago.
(Prior to that), BICOM had one of BBC News' key anchors
 on a bespoke delegation. When planning her very first trip to
 the region, Sophie Long got in touch with BICOM to see if
we could help her out with meeting in the region. Sophie is
now spending three days of her trip with BICOM Israel,
taking a tour around the Old City, meeting Mark Regev and
Dr. Alex Yacobsen, as well as visiting Ramallah and Sderot.
 My second article for the Huffington Post UK entitled 'How
to make the next 9/11 less likely: myth busting and truth telling,'
 (was) published. It is a timely response, synthesising the mess-
ages which can be taken from 9/11 with the current, unnerving
 events unfolding between Egypt and Israel. The American
version of the Huffington Post has 1.2 million readers in
the UK, and 38 million in the U.S.
Sophie Long Herself!
~ Background of Sophie Long.~
Sophie Long is one of the main presenters on the BBC News
 Channel. She has covered many big stories and can regularly
be found anchoring the channel's output on location. During
 the last (UK) General Election she was on the road with
Nick Clegg in that extraordinary campaign. Her coverage
was acclaimed for its wit and insight. She regularly
presents bulletins on BBC1.
Israel's Outworn War Threats Against Iran.
By Guest Writer Kourosh Ziabari.
Edited By Uncle Monty At Paris.
Israel has awkwardly and desperately renewed its outworn
war threats against Iran in recent weeks, indicating that it's
 getting prepared to launch a military strike on the Islamic
 Republic's nuclear facilities.
Last month, the Zionist regime successfully test fired a missile
which is said to have the capability of carrying a nuclear war-
head and reach Iran, as well as Russia and China. On Nov.
2, the TV stations around the world screened footage of a
rocket-propulsion system being launched from somewhere
 around the Israeli coastal Palmachim military base. The
 missile's range is claimed to be 10,000 kilometers and
therefore, Iran will be easily within the reach of it,
assuming a military attack on Iran is undertaken.
However, now even the most optimistic advocates of war
 with Iran within the fractured cabinet of Benjamin Netanyahu
know that "empty vessels make the most noise" and that a
strike on Iran's nuclear facilities will be practically the same as
the evaporation of the Zionist entity. They are well aware of
Iran's military might and the recent advancements and progresses
 in Iran's weaponry industry. Although the hawkish Israeli FM
 Avigdor  Lieberman has boasted of "keeping all the options
 on the table" with regards to Iran's nuclear program, he dis-
missed reports that Israeli cabinet members have reached 
an agreement over launching an attack against Iran.
The deceptive and illusory claims of Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu that he is lobbying to persuade the cabinet
to authorize a military strike against Iran's nuclear installations
 has even evoked the surprise and astonishment of the American
 media, who reacted to the war threats skeptically. In a Nov. 2,
 2011 report published just a few hours after Israel test fired its
nuclear missile, CBS News wrote that the international community
is used to hearing of Tel Aviv's war threats against Iran and the
recent warmongering statements of Netanyahu are nothing new
and unexpected: "It remained unclear whether Israel was
genuinely poised to strike or if it was saber-rattling to prod
the international community into taking a tougher line on Iran.
 Israeli leaders have long hinted at a military option, but they
 always seemed mindful of the practical difficulties, the
 likelihood of a furious counterstrike and the risk
of regional mayhem."
The words of Israeli officials, even though disproportionately
aggrandized and exaggerated by the mainstream media, cut
 no ice anymore. The Israeli regime is too fragile and small
 to pose a threat to Iran's security. Over the past 10 years,
the White House, with the unreserved assistance of its client
state, Israel, repeatedly threatened Iran with the possibility of
a military attack. Even Barack Obama who is unquestionably
 a wolf in sheep's clothing and understands nothing of peace
 and cordiality had once in 2010 talked of the possibility of
a nuclear strike against Iran; a reckless statement which was
condemned by many politicians and pundits around the world.
Israeli Agents Have Used Brit Passports
For Purposes of Political Assassinations.
It's now clear to the international observers that Israel talks
 through its hat. It only runs a psychological operation against
Iran to force it into giving up its nuclear rights. The irony is that
 it is Israel, the only possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle
 East, that is hell bent on disrupting Iran's nuclear program which
 it impetuously and irrationally claims to be aimed
at military purposes.
The Israeli officials, however, frequently direct war threats
against Iran with impunity and in breach of several internation-
ally recognized treaties, conventions and charters. On one hand,
 any Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities can be considered a
war of aggression which is "a military conflict waged without the
 justification of self-defense" and since the Korean War of the
 early 1950s, waging such a war is a crime under the customary
international law. It's conventional for the criminal state of Israel
to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity; however, if
 it frantically makes such a decision, it will be committing a
 crime which the international community should
categorically respond to.
On July 3, 1933, the first convention that defined aggression
was signed in London by representatives of Romania, Estonia,
 Latvia, Poland, Turkey, USSR, Iran and Afghanistan. It was
 initiated by Soviet Foreign Minister Maxim Litvinov in response
to threats of use of force by the German government following
 Hitler's rise to power. The government of Finland acceded to
the convention on January 31, 1934. These countries decided
 that any kind of aggressive behavior on behalf of  the members
of the League of Nations would be illegal and illegitimate.
On the other hand, if Israelis attack Iran's nuclear facilities
while no serious threat is posed against them on behalf of the
Persian Gulf country, their assault can also be categorized as
a "preemptive war" which is illegal without the approval of the
 United Nations Security Council. "The initiation of armed conflict,
 that is being the first to 'break the peace' when no 'armed
 attack' has yet occurred, is not permitted by the UN Charter."
Israel's war threats against Iran also violate the UN Charter
and so far, the UNSC has given no decisive response to this
 flagrant breach of international law. According to Article 2,
Section 4 of the UN Charter which is generally considered
 to be 'jus cogens' (compelling law), all UN members are
prohibited from exercising "the threat or use of force against
 the territorial integrity or political independence of any state."
 Article 51 of the UN Charter stipulates that defense by 
a member state is justified only if, "an armed
 attack occurs," against the attacking country.
Moreover, it's crystal clear that Israel is not in a position to
 threaten Iran against a military strike over its nuclear program.
Israel does not even have the credibility of asking Iran to halt
 its nuclear program while it possesses 300 atomic warheads.
It has been repeatedly clarified by international organizations,
 including the NIE 2007 report that Iran doesn't possess
nuclear weapons and also doesn't have any intention of building
 such weapons. Of course it's dismantling the nuclear arsenal of
Israel which should be put on the IAEA's agenda, not Iran's
 nuclear program which has been clearly demonstrated
to be aimed at civilian use.
Zionism: The Real Enemy of The Jews.
At any rate, there are of course wise and prudent people
in the political structure of Israel to know that taking any
 aggressive action against Iran will be equivalent to the dis-
appearance of the Zionist regime. Furthermore, even the
closest friends of the Israeli regime know that Netanyahu's war
 threats against Iran are sheer hollow propaganda, even if they
 keep the options "on the table" for good! There are the United 
States and its European cronies who support Israel and its illegal
nuclear program; however, it's the will of the Iranian 
nation that will prevail.
London On An Early Autumnal Sunday Morning ...
Royal Household Guard Photo By Alex Albion
Muslim Cash.
By Uncle Monty.
Feedback & Comments
War Through Deception:

UK's Bad Sod Tony Blair. Playing The Ethnic Card.
He Swamped UK w/Millions of Unwanted Africans,
Muslims, And Foreigners, Did The Socialist Bastard
& "Leftist Mass Immigrationist."
Better For England Had He Never Been Born!!

English Defense League (EDL) splinter groups may
target public sector strikers, unions warn EDL groups are
 broadening out their attacks to focus on leftwing organisations.
By Mark Townsend.
"The never ending culture of guns and the macabre culture
of death are now synonymous with the crude social values
 and raw political mindset that is found daily in the lives
 of millions of Americans inside today's ever
murderous America."
Alex Albion
Some of Alex Albion's Images For The
 Hundreds of Uncle Monty's Online Stories.
{ Click on any image to Enlarge }

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