

Mugshotz of the Looterz.
By Uncle Monty.
Images: Metropolitan Police
Photostream & Flickr, et al.
Criminal looterz always have one thing in common
 - they have larceny in their heartz and mindz.
Another common trait with looterz of whatever age
or background or race is that they are opportunistic
thieves that thrive best on violent mayhem and on
social dislocation. And the more there is a break
down of  law and order the more their numbers in-
crease of criminal looterz on the streetz with their
ugly faces and happy misdeedz etched in the
pathology of their sick and lawless mindz.
Even common ratz are preferable to them!
They talk of stopping benefits for looterz convicted of
looting and throwing them out of their council or public
housing homes, but how about jailing them and then de-
porting them instead if they're criminal immigrants of any
 kind? Many of them should never have been permitted
 to come to England but under vile Tony Blair's New
Labour it seems none of the immigrants were checked
 for crime, drug use and disease before them came.
 What is telling now is that Blair himself has kept his
gob shut and hasn't uttered a word about the
London Riotz of 2011. Why? Because he's the
God damn bloke who first mostly and wilfully let
them all in as black and mixed race yobz and scum-
bagz. His radical agenda was to flood England with
around 3.7 million Africanz and cornrow immigrants
and dreadlock foreigners while in office. All of what
 New Labour has done is now coming to roost and
the country is now forever cursed because of vile
and immigration extremists of Blair & Company.
The prime focus, however, of my article herein -
"Mugshotz of the Looterz" - is to highlight a few of those
 looterz and rioterz that have been captured on images
 that show them for what they really are. Plus, to inform
my blog readership of where they can browse hundreds
of images of alleged looterz as provided by way of
the Met Police photostream and flickr, etc.
I have added what are only a very few of the many,
many, images of UK looterz after going thru hundreds
 of such images myself and deciding which ones I
would include here for you. I have also added a couple
of images that purely demonstrate the tryanny of just plain
thuggishness by the London rioterz who may not have also
been actual looterz. The pictures I chose were those that
 best showed the raw character and mentality of such
 rioterz and especially of looterz with their audacity and
affront as black scum and white trash to hold London by
the throat with fear and intimidation, if only momentarily.
But the most important aspect beyond the terrible images
 of such terrible looterz is that if you personally recognize
or even know any one of the looterz that you take delib-
erate action to hand them in right away. I have provided
 numbers for you to call the correct authorities. But
please, please, be sure you do NOT falsely or carelessly
accuse someone of being a looter or a rioter unless
you are very positvely sure it is the same person or
 persons you know and can identify them without
honest hesitation. Falsely accusing someone is
something to be avoided at all costs aside from
criminal penalties for those knowingly doing so.
It also wastes the valuable time and expenses
of the authorities and may even allow the real
 looterz and rioterz to get away with it
or escape the legal rap.
Metropolitan Police Photostream.
Name & Shame: Suspects wanted by police for rioting.
UK Phone Numbers:
Call Police - 020 8345 4142
(Outside the UK, add +44.)
Or Ring Crimestoppers Anon-
ymously on 0800 555 111.
On His Own Facebook Account He
Happily Gloats Over His Criminal Looting.
An Hideous African Female Looter.
Very Happy Looter While He's Not In Jail.
Not Only Do They Loot, But Commit Arson, Too.
Mob & Gang of Criminal Looterz & Yobz.
It's The Happiest & Luckiest Day of My Black Life.
Don't Get In My Way 'Cus I Ain't Looting!
I'm Just Helping Myself For A Change ...
Ah Man, Others Are Coming To Steal Our Looted Stuff!
Hello, Hello, Hello, What's Going On Here Brother?
Something Freeeeeeeee, Ah? OK, Great!
You Know What? It Just Feelz Like Back Home in Zim.
Let Me Hang It All Out, Baby!
We're Just Doing Our Thing
& Nobody Dares To Stop Us.
Primary School Mentor Caught Red-Handedly Looting.
We've Saved A Few Quid Here, Didn't We?
But above all these unnerving images show conclusively
 that we now live in a country called Bloody Broken
 Britain that seems to be going from bad to worse as
 the country that has lost its true Englishness to the rise
of the Deadening Twilight Zone of  Black Scum &
White Trash.  And, of course, to the criminal looterz
 that New Labour has wilfully let in to the UK under
odious "mass immigrationist" Tony Blair and his gang
 of champagne leftist shysters that have played havoc
with our people and our nation has we sink more and
more into the depth of social and moral darkness and
spiritual emptyness that can only bring us more and
more pain and trouble to the point of no return. The
Mugshotz of the Looterz  tell us the true and
wicked story of today's blighted Blighty.
God Help Us, Please!!
Truly, Uncle Monty.
+St. Susanna, 2011.
Right-wing extremists hijacking the vigilante
patrols protecting against looters, warn police.
Typical, they alwayz go after the right in UK but never go
after the ilk of the left.  Why shouldn't the right react in
light of all the bad race conflict resulting from the UK
 riotz by criminal blackz and white trash? It seems the
Brit copz are more worried about the right-wing like
EDL and BNP than they are about the millions of un-
wanted and useless immigrantz and foreignerz now
choking England at every step of its dying existence.
Next the Met's new Acting Police Commissioner Tim
 Godwin will be publicly apologizing to the rioterz and
 looterz because of the EDL and/or BNP presence
 to curtail the wanton violence and destruction in
communities like Eltham, which I know quite well, and
 being prepared like the Sikhs to defend it against such
lawlessness and criminal rage on the streetz and the
looting of their businesses. Tim, you've lost the plot!
Your's, UM.
Feedback & Comments
In England, faith groups work to heal riot-scarred
neighborhoods. London, UK.  ENSInews, Geneva.
 Many faith communities in England are working together
 on the front line this week after three days of rioting in which
 hooded youths ransacked hundreds of businesses and shops
 in many parts of London, Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool,
Leeds, Nottingham and smaller towns. Parishes around the
 country have been offering support to shellshocked residents.
 The Anglican church of St. Mary the Virgin in Tottenham,
where the unrest began on 6 August, is distributing meals,
 providing hot water and phone charging facilities to those
left without electricity. St. Ignatius Catholic Church in
nearby Stamford Hill is offering food and counselling.
The Rev'd Valentin Dedji of St. Mark's Methodist
Church in Tottenham is caring for the family of Mark
 Duggan, a 29-year-old whose killing by police last
week sparked a peaceful demonstration on 6
 August that spiraled into violence.,
 [Ecumenical News Service International]
July 11, 2011.
Big Changes At The Big Issue.
By Garnet Roach.
Coming Next By Uncle Monty ...
.{ Click on any image to Enlarge }


from 20 of us ... said...

Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!!!!!
Goodgirl,Martin,BTL,Lady M.

Sharon.York. said...

Dear Monty, We are very
happy to add - *And so say
all of us* with the 3 cheers
for you from the 20 above:
*Margaret Fisher
*Elaine Potts
*Jerrie Dawson
*Allan Davies
*June Bellman
*David Turner
*Angus Levenson
*Doc Ogsteen
*May Tlll
*Faith Singleton
*Max Nettlestone
*T. H. Bridges
*Gwynn Hughes
*Fatima Santana
*Josh Everson
*John Bright
Our best to you!!!
Lovingly Sharon York.

Dr. Trevor Ansley. said...
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Trevor Ansley. said...

Hi Monty, No doubt you've read David Starkey's comments that many
of the white rioters of late are behaving now like black looters
with them. He also said that Enoch Powell was kinda right about his
rivers of blood speech. I entirely
agree with Prof. Starkey. As is the usual case the leftwing apologists are screaming for his white blood by saying what he said was "racist". When the truth is spoken by someone about the whole
problem of such mindless youths,
the first thing the media recites
is how some one like Starkey is a "racist". The tell tale is always
the same. If it is worth anything, I also find your comments so appealing. You don't bow to the
radical left nor to those looters
and "white trash" that behave like
violent black youths on the streets. I write as a one time
liberal democrat, who has turned
completely around in the past few years to support the nationalists
over the crowds of migrants and foreign born in Britain. Sincere best wishes, Trevor Ansley.