
Mohamed Fayed's $30 Million Memorial to his son Dodi ...

We're now at the Eve of the 10th Anniversary Death of Diana, Princess of Wales. But yesterday's exclusive feature story about Mohamed Fayed's personal memorial to his beloved son Dodi, by The Sun's Duncan Larcombe, brought home to me the utter tragedy of Dodi's and Diana's macarbe death ten years ago tomorrow. As I read, for the first time, about the existence of The Dodi Memorial, I was struck by its picture of their love for one another. I was struck even more by Mohamed Fayed's statement in the article that "They
(Dodi & Diana) were going to declare their engagement on the Monday, after the crash. She was happy and she was pregnant." But if I remember correctly, I thought I had read elsewhere that Diana was NOT pregnant according to the official autopsy of her. If so, then either the autopsy or Dodi's father is wrong. I'm always sceptical of "official" findings, especially coming from a government like New Labour that lives and lies by constant and deliberate spin. If indeed Anglican Diana was pregnant by Muslim Dodi Fayed, then to get rid of them because of that seems something very possible to me. The fear and hysteria among the royals and the government elite of such a possible pregnancy seems all to clear to me. For my part, I doubt very much that what happened in that Paris tunnel of 10 years ago now was anything but a pure accident. It was contrived to kill and kill it did ... The killing of two such beautiful people together was because they were beautiful and hence seen as very dangerous to the pathology and psyche of the British Establishment. To have the Princess of Wales carrying a muslim prince (s) by Dodi Fayed could not be allowed to stand. Even if it meant they must be murdered one way or another. If the Paris "accident" had not worked, I suspect other methods would have been found to have ultimately achieved the goal of killing them ...
The more I read of The Dodi Memorial, the more impressed I was of Mohamed Fayed's fatherly love and loss for his only beloved son. Every day he ensures the pepetual memory of his son by keeping his Dodi Shrine
completely intact and totally private at where everything has been left as it was when Dodi and Diana last left it to go to France. "For me," says Harrods boss Fayed, "this flat is Dodi's tomb. Everything he left here I keep forever. I believe his soul comes to see the people he loved and the places he enjoyed, the best times of his life." Now if that isn't spiritual words of utter devotion of a father for his lost son, then I am at a loss to add anything more meanful ...
What I also learned from Duncan Larcombe's interview with Mohamed Fayed was that Dodi's had been the executive producer of the movie The Chariots of Fire. Well done, Dodi ... I was unaware he was a movie maker, too. He also wooed a British princess and he paid the price of death for it ... and so did Diana, too.

We are now just hours away from the 10th Anniversay of their horrible deaths, yet I am unaware of any public memorial service for the ordinary people to gather to express their collective sorrow and affection for the Peoples Princess. Yes, the Guards Chapel at Wellington Barracks has excluded, of course, the genral public.
Only the elite can enter by invitiation only (minus thankfully Camilla, who has now fled to the Med after her rejection to attend the service by the British people). The service is to be broadcast, but still no place has been officially provided for the ordinary people to gather tomorrow as far as I know ...

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