Royal Matrimony
At Police State Britain.
By Uncle Monty At Sofia,
The Bulgarian Capital.
Graphics & Writeovers
By Alex Albion.
A glimpse of the royal matrimony
I caught on Bulgarian TV here at
Sofia. Other than that, I was
pleased that odious Tony Blair and
moron Gordon Brown were rightly
excluded and thus uninvited to the
royal wedding of William and Kate -
now formally to be known as the
Duke & Duchess of Cambridge.
Their new titles, by the way,
sound quite unexciting to me.
Beyond that, I am glad the wedding
went off fine after all, although the
Brit copz did a "fine job" of putting
London under police siege of the
like that again highlights all that is
wrong with today's Broken Britain
and its police overkill it seems to me.
It amazes me how some 5,000+ copz are
allowed to put a city of 7 million people
under wraps without even as much as a
murmur from the docile British public!
Not to mention the millions upon millions
of dollars spent all in the name of such a
wedding day while folkz elsewhere
must count their last pennies!!
Here at Sofia, I have enjoyed my visit
thus far and will take the Belgrade-
Istanbul Express again on the next
leg of my 1,800-mile train journey.
Thankz for all the messages from my
friends and my blog readers. Sorry
I cannot reply to you all right now.
As for the cynical and degrading
message to me from Prague's exile
pornographer Rich O'Shea after my
quick stop there before heading to
Belgrade, I will have alot more to
say about him later. In the meantime,
this is my first "double holidayz"
of the year, 2011. So my holidayz
come first for now, so excuse me
guyz and galz. Yes, I'll also have my
complete story called "Saluting
Sofia" coming up soon ...
May Day, 2011.
+1st Sunday after Easter, 2011.
By Uncle Monty.***
A glimpse of the royal matrimony
I caught on Bulgarian TV here at
Sofia. Other than that, I was
pleased that odious Tony Blair and
moron Gordon Brown were rightly
excluded and thus uninvited to the
royal wedding of William and Kate -
now formally to be known as the
Duke & Duchess of Cambridge.
Their new titles, by the way,
sound quite unexciting to me.
Beyond that, I am glad the wedding
went off fine after all, although the
Brit copz did a "fine job" of putting
London under police siege of the
like that again highlights all that is
wrong with today's Broken Britain
and its police overkill it seems to me.
It amazes me how some 5,000+ copz are
allowed to put a city of 7 million people
under wraps without even as much as a
murmur from the docile British public!
Not to mention the millions upon millions
of dollars spent all in the name of such a
wedding day while folkz elsewhere
must count their last pennies!!
Here at Sofia, I have enjoyed my visit
thus far and will take the Belgrade-
Istanbul Express again on the next
leg of my 1,800-mile train journey.
Thankz for all the messages from my
friends and my blog readers. Sorry
I cannot reply to you all right now.
As for the cynical and degrading
message to me from Prague's exile
pornographer Rich O'Shea after my
quick stop there before heading to
Belgrade, I will have alot more to
say about him later. In the meantime,
this is my first "double holidayz"
of the year, 2011. So my holidayz
come first for now, so excuse me
guyz and galz. Yes, I'll also have my
complete story called "Saluting
Sofia" coming up soon ...
Anglican Church plays central role in British royal wedding.
London (ENInews, Geneva)- An estimated two billion people
around the world tuned in on 29 April to watch the wedding of
Prince William, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, and Catherine
Middleton at Westminster Abbey, a ceremony infused with British
pageantry and steeped in elements of Anglicanism - past,
present and future. The streets of London bulged with thousands
of well-wishers, some who'd camped for days to ensure a glimpse
of the happy couple, named just before the wedding as the Duke
and Duchess of Cambridge, Episcopal News Service reports.
-*-*-*-_Cheerz Guyz & Galz, Uncle Monty.
May Day, 2011.
+1st Sunday after Easter, 2011.
Now far away from Britain's Royal
Wedding of William & Kate as I
now stand here at Sofia, I am disturbed
by a number of unbecoming develop-
ments leading upto and surrounding
what will presumably be a glittering
wedding event.
Wedding of William & Kate as I
now stand here at Sofia, I am disturbed
by a number of unbecoming develop-
ments leading upto and surrounding
what will presumably be a glittering
wedding event.
It seems the UK authorities are using the
royal wedding as a pretext to no longer pre-
tend that we're not a Police State in which
the use of preventive detention and misuse of
mental health laws - called "sectioning" of
people - to suppress those who are viewed
by the unaccountable police as either too
fanatically anti-royal or too fanatically
pro-royal that they be can be arrested and
royal wedding as a pretext to no longer pre-
tend that we're not a Police State in which
the use of preventive detention and misuse of
mental health laws - called "sectioning" of
people - to suppress those who are viewed
by the unaccountable police as either too
fanatically anti-royal or too fanatically
pro-royal that they be can be arrested and the whim and will of our arbi-
trary and capricious British police force
trary and capricious British police force
all in the name of protecting William
& Kate. Frankly, it's scary!!
& Kate. Frankly, it's scary!!
Coupled with such arbitrary powers, 5,000+
Brit copz have been deployed in the royal name
of the already too costly $34 million security
and police apparatus to ensure there is little or
no disruption occurring before, during and after
the English Anglican service of Holy Matrimony
between the prince and the commoner
at Westminster Abbey.
It is, to put it bluntly, a complete overkill that is
becoming more and more commonplace inside
everyday Broken Britain.and at where our
police have virtually become a law unto
themselves like we see inside America and
other police states around the world. In fact,
much of the riot equipment now purchased
and used by British cops comes directly
from Yankee police stockists.
and used by British cops comes directly
from Yankee police stockists.
Coat of Arms of Prince William of Wales.
What it amounts to is that if the copz don't even
like the look of you at any point of the Royal
Matrimony, they can search you without just
cause, arrest you if they want to, and detain
you in custody based simply on their own
whim and will. Worst still, they can have you
committed to some mental unit much like the
Soviets did in the old USSR to stigmatize
and isolate political and social activists
or state political offenders.
One aim of the copz is to stop what they fear
are menacing Muslims and radical anarchists
from acting out against the royal venue. While
I certainly think William & Catherine need
to be protected from the ilk of such outlandish
Muslims and anarchists, I still believe they have
a right to protest within the law even if they're
loathed by the state, the police, the royals, and
much of the general public. The problem is how
far is too far in their protestations against the
Royal Wedding? If they hurl some dangerous
missile at the regal couple, then yes intervene
and stop them and charge them under our re-
gular criminal laws. But to decide to "section"
and detain such a protestor in some lunatic
asylum seems totally wrong to me. Unless,
of course, they are mentally and psychiatric-
ally ill. Such is for qualified doctors to decide
such illness and not the British copz on the
royal beat. In other words, there must be
due process of law and not arbitrary arrests
and detentions all because some cop doesn't
like the look of you for whatever reason.
The Royal Matrimony of William &
Kate is the first regal wedding inside Broken
Britain for almost three decades. Along
with it being the first such royal matrimony
in the 21st century. It could also well be
the last! Who knows and who cares?
So in a few days time, all hell and fanfare
will take place as millions in the UK and
around the world will witness the marriage
of a rather popular couple to say the least.
I, along with many of my fellow countrymen
and women, wish godspeed for them. But to
use preventive detentions and mental health
sectioning is too brutal for words and high-
lights how the British State deploys its police
more and more to crush dissent and to streng-
then its governmental and police powers
and control over the English people under
the guise and in the name of "protesting us"
from fanatical and dangerous groups like
menacing Muslims Against Crusades
(MAC). Such Islamic scumbagz should
never have been allowed to enter the UK
in the first place, but odious and mass
immigrationist Tony Blair and his socialist
gangsters freely let them in. Now we have
almost 5 million menacing Muslims
crowding us out in our own country!!
Muslim fanatics plot to hijack Royal Wedding
by burning effigies of Kate and William along
route of the procession Muslims Against
Crusades (MAC). By Rebecca Camber.
New Royal Coat of Arms of Catherine Middleton.
Next read about the riot caused by the Brit police
that saw almost 160 copz used to arrest FOUR
people in the English town of Bristol. Know if that
isn't Police State Britain, then I don't know what
is? With 160 copz in full riot gear on the eve of
Good Friday, it tallies at some 40 cops for each
person of the 4 people they wanted to arrest and
who opposed the opening of yet another dreadful
Tesco food store that the local people had de-
manded not to open in their neighbourhood. But
Tesco was allowed to go ahead and the local
powers to be just ignored the will of the people.
Tesco was allowed to go ahead and the local
powers to be just ignored the will of the people.
This is much the same on the growing opposition
to world immigrants continuing to flood the UK
at where the government and the politicans still
let England be swamped more and more by
unwanted and useless Third World immigrants
that now infest and infect the UK with utter
impunity. It is the corporate swines like Tesco
and Topshop and John Lewis and Sainburys
that benefit overwhelming from such cheap
to world immigrants continuing to flood the UK
at where the government and the politicans still
let England be swamped more and more by
unwanted and useless Third World immigrants
that now infest and infect the UK with utter
impunity. It is the corporate swines like Tesco
and Topshop and John Lewis and Sainburys
that benefit overwhelming from such cheap
immigrants while the country is now run amok
with too many immigrants, too many EU
foreigners, and too many socialist and leftist
gangsters. Now read more about what
happened at Bristol's vile Tesco food store:
happened at Bristol's vile Tesco food store:
Police raid over 'petrol bomb plot' sparks Tesco
riots. Anti-Tesco protest boils over into Bristol
riot. Police accused of attacking bystanders.
By Kunal Dutta & Oliver Duff.
The battle of Tesco: Riot police bombarded and shop
petrol-bombed as 160 officers swoop on house to
arrest FOUR squatters. By Chris Greenwood.
Saluting The Royal Matrimony..
Most folkz wish Wills and Kate all the best,
but royalty must not be used to suppress the
people even if for only for a few days in the
name of such royal couple, who no doubt
have had no say in what Police State Britain
is allowed to do under the eyes of the world
news media and our allies and foes around
the world.
Police State Britain at the royal wedding is
just one more step away from becoming
even more brazen - like such that was seen
of those 160 Brit copz that created the anti-
Tesco riot - than ever once the royal wedding
is quickly forgotten by the vast majority of
native British. What I fear most at come this
Friday's wedding itself is some kind of
massacre from either the police, the
protestors, or the public.
Or a combination of all three.
On the religious side of the royal wedding,
such will be quintessentially and strictly
classical Anglican at where Catholics are
historically barred for the past 450 years
or more from marrying into British Royalty..
Nevertheless, the Holy Catholic Church
hierarchy will be well and truly represented
among those officially invited to attend the
royal matrimony, reports The Tablet.
"The Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent
Nichols, and three cardinals of the United Kingdom
Cormac Murphy-O'Conner, (archbishop) emeritus
of Westminster; Keith O'Brien of St. Andrews and
Edinburgh; and Sean Brady of Armagh - are all due
to be in the pews at the marriage of Prince William
and Catherine Middleton on 29 April. The Pope's
(new) ambassador (papal nuncio) to Great Britain,
Archbishop Antonio Mennini, will also be there."
However, none of them will have any official
role in the royal marriage itself.
Now far away from the royal wedding, I happily
play with my latest travel itinarary while here at
Sofia via the overnight and overland Belgrade-
Istanbul Express for the first time. Sofia is a
peculiar capital as capitals of the world go. If
the North Korean capital of Pyongyang was
strange to me, then Sofia is also somewhat
strange in a different way. So Sofia is strange
and it is a remarkable contrast to say Olde
London Towne and certainly to the New
World capital of Washington, D.C. That
is what makes places like Sofia
interesting to folks like me who seek
out the strange rather than the bland
and ordinary when freely travelling
the world like I do!
Istanbul Express for the first time. Sofia is a
peculiar capital as capitals of the world go. If
the North Korean capital of Pyongyang was
strange to me, then Sofia is also somewhat
strange in a different way. So Sofia is strange
and it is a remarkable contrast to say Olde
London Towne and certainly to the New
World capital of Washington, D.C. That
is what makes places like Sofia
interesting to folks like me who seek
out the strange rather than the bland
and ordinary when freely travelling
the world like I do!
I'm very pleased to be outside of Britain over
the double holiday period until things get back
to normalcy with the everyday reality at dis-
torted and ever negative Londonistan that
has now been created as a racial pigsty by the
ever evil politicos of now out of power vile
New Labour with its then dark, unEnglish,
massive immigration of millions of Third
World black trash and hideous foreigners
from all over the bloody place. Such now
the double holiday period until things get back
to normalcy with the everyday reality at dis-
torted and ever negative Londonistan that
has now been created as a racial pigsty by the
ever evil politicos of now out of power vile
New Labour with its then dark, unEnglish,
massive immigration of millions of Third
World black trash and hideous foreigners
from all over the bloody place. Such now
results in 120 foreign languages alone be-
ing spoken inside bloody Broken Britain
with let alone 15 million quid spent annual-
ly on providing costly interpreters just at
the UK National Health Service so that
such unwanted foreigners and fake
asylum seekers, who just take up space,
can get free medical care and free hospital
treatment at the drop of a hat. Let them
speak bloody English at least, if they
want all the freebies they demand and
are told they are entitled to at the exp-
ense of the British International
Nanny State that is funded by English
ing spoken inside bloody Broken Britain
with let alone 15 million quid spent annual-
ly on providing costly interpreters just at
the UK National Health Service so that
such unwanted foreigners and fake
asylum seekers, who just take up space,
can get free medical care and free hospital
treatment at the drop of a hat. Let them
speak bloody English at least, if they
want all the freebies they demand and
are told they are entitled to at the exp-
ense of the British International
Nanny State that is funded by English
taxpayers whether they like it or not.
Personally, I am sick and tired of all
these immigrants and foreigners
invading my country and it never
seems to stop, but gets worse and
worse by every passing day. Just
take any bus ride in Londonistan
and see all the bloody immigrants and
foreigners taking every seat inside the
bus. While they sit comfy, we are for-
ced to always stand on our own buses
with all their fancy prams and new babies
also taking up even more space on the
crowded and overwhelmed transport
infrastructure that now plagues Lon-
don like African locust and smelly
foreign flies and giving us rabies or
dreadful Aids to finish us off, espe-
cially if you are unlucky enough to be
born truly English - like William and
Kate - and to be proudly white ...-
Oh, so before I get carried further
away here, do remember to have
yourself a Happy Royal
Wedding Day..*.
:: Post script: ::
What ever happened to the announcement
that 100 ordinary English "commoners" would
be selected to attend the royal wedding? Did
I miss something? I heard nothing more about
such 100 folkz being selected and invited to
attend. And so, I never heard another word
since January's announcement of 100 being
that 100 ordinary English "commoners" would
be selected to attend the royal wedding? Did
I miss something? I heard nothing more about
such 100 folkz being selected and invited to
attend. And so, I never heard another word
since January's announcement of 100 being
selected. Did such happen or not?
As far as I know, such didn't occur and that
in the end no 100 English "commoners" got
invited after all to Westminster Abbey and
beyond. To receive such an invitation from
William and Kate would have been a thrill of
beyond. To receive such an invitation from
William and Kate would have been a thrill of
a lifetime for those commoners so selected
and invited. What a pity they missed out!!
and invited. What a pity they missed out!!
Wedding Greetings from Sofia, Uncle Monty.
+Easter Tuesday, 2011.
The Homeless Gathering For Free
Food At MotherTeresa's London HQ.
In sharp contrast to the rich trappings of the British
Royal Wedding, the burning question today for
most UK homeless people is simply this - SOUP
RUNS: Are They Good or Bad for the Homeless?
By Uncle Monty. Photos By Alex Albion.
While elsewhere at Rio, meet the Muslim killing
madman Wellington Menezes de Oliveira, 24.
"An undated photo released on April 15, 2011
by Rio de Janeiro state's Public Safety Depart-
ment (SESEG) shows Wellington Menezes de
Oliveira, 24, posing with a gun. The Muslim
gunman, Oliveira, killed 12 children at a Rio
by Rio de Janeiro state's Public Safety Depart-
ment (SESEG) shows Wellington Menezes de
Oliveira, 24, posing with a gun. The Muslim
gunman, Oliveira, killed 12 children at a Rio
de Janeiro school and then himself, police
said on April 7, shocking the South American
nation that has never seen such an
incident before." Reuters.
nation that has never seen such an
incident before." Reuters.
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