
Sir John Chilcot's "Iraq Inquiry." By Uncle Monty.

January 30th, 2010. 11:31 Mecca Time. 08:31 GMT.
Blair defends Iraq war decision.

Blair comes out strongly in defence of invasion.
By Mark Hennessy. Irish Times' London Editor.
Sir John Chilcot's "Iraq Inquiry."
By Uncle Monty.
Nick Griffin Image By Alex Albion.
Instead of the costly security overkill by armed Scotland Yard
police operatives to slavishly and lavishly protect by deadly force
the hideous UK ex-PM Tony Blair with their “Ring of Steel” for his
set star appearance today at Sir John Chilcot’s "Iraq Inquiry," they
should have really taken immediate steps to arrest and detain him as
a known British War Criminal. And, then they should have promptly
sent him to the International Criminal Court of Justice (ICC) at the
Hague to stand open trial for Iraq war crimes along with his American
war crimes buddy George W. Bush of Texas. The only “Ring of Steel”
that Blair (and Bush) deserve is behind thick iron bars and a solid prison
gate made of pure steel. Then preferably they, Blair and Bush, should
be stripped down to their smelly underwear to don Yankee-made bright
neon orange prisoner suits like the ones seen inside America’s notorious
Guant�namo Bay detention camp. I think George W. and Tony B.
would look pretty nice in such classic prison garb ...
They should also be given “VIP” prison treatment with Blair's
prisoner number to read "2003RIALB" to signify the beginning
year of the illegal Iraq War along with Blair's surname spelled
backwards. While, Bush's own prisoner ID would simply
read "2003HSUB."
Cocky Blair Avoids Anti-War Crowd By Back Door.
With today’s “major star witness” - aka Blair - Sir John
Chilcot’s "Iraq Inquiry" is attempting to probe the lies and
deceit of Anthony Blair and his then New Labour cohorts to
take Britain to invade and inflict war upon Iraq in the name
of removing Saddam Hussein by illegal American military
force. With Bush, Blair then caused the death and maiming
of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives with their
concocted lies and drunken power.
In England and America, the lives of hundreds of U.S. and
British soldiers have been laid to rest all because of Bush
and Blair. Together they created a war pack to rid of
Saddam Hussein of Baghdad. They cared nothing about
the aweful and deadly consequences of their illegal and
arbirary war deeds and their criminal invasion of Iraq.
Now read what Anthony Blair said today at
Sir John Chilcot's "Iraq Inquiry":
. .
Tony Blair launches passionate defence of Iraq war.
By Paul Waugh and Joe Murphy.
Cocky & Defiant Tony Blair At Iraq Inquiry
By Gavin Cordon, Sam Marsden & Mark Bulstrode, Press Association.
Star Witness At Iraq Inquiry.
An adept, systematic, and pathological liar, Anthony
Blair has also become the world’s most avaricious and
cunning Champagne Socialist from the top of his Scottish
head to the bottom of his New Labour feet. There is not a
word I believe from devious Blair and his leftist mouth -
not a one!
If I start an illegal war ...
BNP's Nick Griffin in London the day before
today's mass media attention on dreadful Blair.
Oh, and while Anthony "Bambie" Blair sat today on the Chilcot
hot seat, just a few miles away in London only yesterday the en-
throned socialist rascal and anti-white talking head of the Equalities
Commission, black-born Trevor Phillips, vindictively and cunningly
hauled into high court yet again the National British Party chairman Nick
Griffin to answer Phillips' allegations of contempt of court for the BNP's
failure to meet the commission's deadline to hold an extraordinary annual
general meeting to vote on letting all blacks and foreigners, if they so
wish, to join the BNP under New Labour’s tyrannical Equalitiies Laws.
New Labour’s red stranglehold knows no bounds in their Broken
Britain of today. Phillips, who is free to squander millions of taxpayer
pounds in his quest to destroy the BNP, is a reverse racist if there
ever was one. And talk of hypocrisy, here's the latest on Phillips
the black hypocrite, too!
Ethnic minority staff paid 10% less than white
workers at Trevor Phillips’ equality watchdog.
By Jonathan Petre.
Black and minorities ghettos have sprung up all over
urban UK under the past 12 or so year tenure of New Labour. When
a new government comes into power after the country finally gets rid
of the British Labour Party, the first steps should be to immediately
close down such political and biased operations like Trevor Phillips'
and at the same time also save millions of taxpayers money to boot!
Whenever Phillips is criticised the first thing he does is to declare
they're "racists" no matter what. The Equalities Commission is
in disarray against Trevor Phillips and his management style
and personal persona that has seen a number of his own
commissioners resign outright against him. But he's still there
to muck around and to create mayhem at the drop of a hat
because of New Labour's backing of him to the hilt whether
or not Trevor Phillips is wrong or right or fit or unfit. I men-
tion Nick Griffin to show how someone like Blair is given the
socialist red carpet treatment while Griffin is hauled into court
by the ilk of Trevor Phillips and his New Labour henchmen.
Why is that New Labour can dictate to other political parties
in the UK what they can and cannot do by passing laws to
make them conform with New Labour's own political
idealogy and leftist pathology? Being right-wing is a crime
to New Labour, which has gone completely mad with its
own brand of radical international socialism inside the UK.
Saddam Hussein.
Broken Britain's Antichrist - Blair 666.
Today's ignoble appearance at Sir John's Chilcot's
"Iraq Inquiry" of Anthony Blair himself just makes me
consider him to be even more of Broken Britain's
Antichrist, especially in his stupefied refusal to acknow-
ledge his Iraq war rationale to be morally, ethically,
and religiously wrong. Branding him now as England's
Antichrist, or 666 that he truly is to me, some others may
doubt that Anthony Charles Lynton “Tony” Blair is such.
True or not, the fact remains, however, that today's
British Labour Party - or New Labour - is the most
Antichrist and antifaith political party ever to have
reared its ugly head in the contemporary political
and social history of Great Britain. When Blair's
infamous spin doctor Alastair Campbell declared
"We don't do God," he was speaking for millions of
New Labour minions that have long rejected the pre-
sence and being of Christ in the national character of
British life. Indeed, England has now become almost
as anti-Christian as those Muslims who declare con-
temptuously that we're merely infidels and nothing
else. It was Blair who, ironically, allowed some 1.8
million Muslims to first settle in Britain under his
hideous prime ministership of multiculturism and
multiracialism. No wonder the UK is now the inter-
national centre for many a dangerous Islamic
Jihardist. God help us now!
Anthony Blair's war crimes and his earlier New Labour
political ascendancy are tanamount to him being the supreme
enemy of Christ. Even though he wraps himself up with what I
call his "conversion faith" from that of a dodgy Anglican by birth
to his present day Roman Catholicism and his empty “religious
speak,” make no mistake to be misled by his bloated position as
a media celebrity and big head. His Tony Blair Faith Foundation is
a mockery of true faith that he uses to hide his moral and political
bankruptcy and his utterly debased New Labour doctrine that has
brought Britain down to its lowest status and dignity of now
being forced to habour the world’s unwanted human scum
of millions of Third World immigrants, fake asylum seekers
and European Union foreigners of the worst type.
Cry, Albion, cry!!
So today Anthony "Bambie" Blair came and left Sir
John Chilcot's "Iraq Inquiry" with his conceitness and
defiance all completely intact to go along with his
Antichrist stance. No doubt the newspapers tomorrow
will be full of Blair that simply adds again to his awful
arrogrance and self-assured cockiness as rigid as the
£159,000 bullet-proof Jaguar that ensured his personal
safety with another £250,000 of taxpayer money to pro-
vide him today with armed protection by Scotland Yard
police operatives. I cannot for the life of me understand
why they pay constant homage to such a pipsqueak and
war criminal that I, like many of my fellow countrymen
and women, also consider Anthony "Bambie" Blair to
simply be. No former British prime minister in own
my lifetime has become more detested in his own
country than is "Bambie."
Chilcot War Inquiry:
We STILL think Blair lied, say 8 out of 10.
By Glen Owen.
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Here are some of latest news reports of
Blair's defiant and cocky statements yesterday
at Sir John Chilcot's "Iraq Inquiry."
Post Inquiry: Comments on Blair's Fear of Iran.
By Uncle Monty.
So Iran is the next war target in Anthony's warmonger-
ing mindset. But it was no Churchillian moment for Blair.
All he was doing on Iran was echoing Israel's well-known
stand against Iran's anti-Zionist position and its open
hatred of Israel's very existence as a Jewish State. In
my previous article on "America's Iranophobia" here at
at some point that Israel and/or the U.S. will attack Iran
and its nuclear facilities out of fear that the Islamic Republic
will become nuclear-armed against all foes that it sees.
What struck me about Anthony's anti-Iran comments at
Sir. John Chilcot's "Iraq Inquiry" was that we may see
the UK also becoming involved at some stage in any
military strike against Iran, if and when Israel/US should
take action to thwart Iran's future nuclear capabilities and
its perceived threat against the West and specifically
against Israel itself. Without Blair's outburst against Iran,
I had, hitherto, given no thought whatsoever of the UK
somehow becoming possibly involved in any military
attack on Iran, which would be a cataclysmic moment to
say the least. Cleverly, Anthony B. raised the Iran nu-
clear issue to help divert attention from his own criminal
war crimes against Iraq and to justify his own rationale
for creating the illegal and diabolical Iraq War with
Bush's America to overthrow Saddam Hussein in
the first place. He said he would do the same
thing again, did Blair.
:: Update Feb. 5th, 2010 ::
Lessons of Iraq ignored. The target is now Iran.
By Seumas Milne.
"The U.S. military build-up in the Gulf and Tony
Blair’s promotion of war against Tehran are a
warning of yet another catastrophe."
The danger now is that the same Western military and
political thinking over Iraq could now be replicated to
attack Iran save for different players and rhetoric tak-
ing hold after what is now the end of the Bush and Blair
mentality and their hideous appearance on the world
stage and their illegal invasion of Little Iraq all in the
history books. Iran, however, will be no pushover
unlike then Saddam's Baath and Sunni Iraq.
(US general) says strike on Iran could spark nationalism.
By Phil Stewart.
US bolsters defences of Iran's Gulf neighbours.
President Barack Obama is rushing to bolster the
defences of Iran's Arab neighbours amid fears of the
growing possibility of a missile strike by Tehran.
By Alex Spillius in Washington.
The West will NOT win against Iran unless Israel, US
and/or Britain restore to using its nuclear arsenals.
As Hiliary Clinton stated with her chilling words that
Iran could be basically bombed back to the Stone Age
by the US military might!! Maybe or maybe not, Ms.
Hiliary ... But we only need a jerk like Blair for us all to
find out and then it's too late to set the clock back and
the Middle East then plunged into a possible nuclear
war of the like the world has never seen before ...
Whatever, please first arrest and detain Tony
B. and George W. before anything else!!!
Sincerely, Uncle Monty.
+Eve of Charles I - King & Anglican Martyr - 2010.
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Obama's America: One Year After His "Lite-Skinned" Oval Office Foray. By Uncle Monty.

America's Obama:
One Year After His
"Lite-Skinned" Oval Office Foray.
By Uncle Monty.
Obama Caption Graphic By Alex Albion.
Sales of facial skin creams that lighten or whiten the black
or darkly-negroid complexion of African-Americans, and
those of African descent, has soared in the United States
since Barack Hassein Obama first entered the Oval Office
one year ago last week. While such skin creams sales soar,
Obama's own popularity ratings have dramatically skided
and crashed to about the 50 per cent mark no matter if he
is "lite-skinned" or not. Not since Dwight Eisenhower's poor
presidential ratings of the 1950's has any first year sittting
U.S. president reached such a low rating, except for Barack
Obama. Even the much detested George W. Bush had better
ratings in his first year in office than does today's Obama.
Obama Looking Doomed!
As for blacks wanting to look “white,” the best example of
that was the hideous pop idol Michael Jackson, who spent
loads of money on himself trying to look "white" and on any-
thing other than looking like a black African-American that
he was from his cradle to his sudden death last year at age
50. With his daily use of skin creams and medical injections,
the pop idol desired to change forever the pigmentation of
his black skin. Whatever, the black bugger is now dead and
perhaps they left a large jar of such facial skin cream inside
his gold-plated casket or coffin to keep him happy and still
abit shiny white? In the Caribbean and Cuba, it is a common
practise for Afro-Caribbean males and females, who many
also suffer from skin and scalp diseases, to use such facial
skin creams to look as "lite-skinned" as they can!! Obama,
of course, doesn't need to do that - naturally.
barack hussein obama biography

Obama Meeting Japan's Monarchy ...
With 200 government bodyguards or U.S. Secret Service agents
at his disposal around the clock, Obama has become something of
a Lite-Skinned Emperor of America, where the majority of its
citizens now think he's a closet Muslim and not a true Christian.
Some are even saying he was born out of African wedlock in
Kenya and then quickly and quietly smuggled into Hawaii just days
after his Mombasa birth. Whatever, it seems America is already
sick and tired of Obama after only just one year in office. They
seem to be turning against him in droves as their now unwanted
commander-in-chief. It’s very doubtful, I think, that Obama’s
first term as president will now end on anything other than a
rather unhappy and sour note, except for those who still and will
always adore him. For those who have come to detest him from
day one, their only happiness will be to see the back of Obama
from the Oval Office either by fair or by foul. Indeed, Barack
Obama has become an increasingly polarizing figure and not
the magical messiah come to unite Americans behind him or
the vast nation itself. He's already lost that chance for good.
As for a second term as preisdent, it looks pretty doomed for
Obama. Along with the re-election hope of some Democrats in
the upcoming U.S. mid-term elections to be held in November.
No boost then for him or his Obama political coattails doing
any good for many of those Democrats up for re-election.
All this fallout then against him in just only one year in office!
It looks like his second year could be even worse no matter what
the racially-black, mixed race and white leftist Obama groupies,
along with their American and global liberal news media friends,
publicly say. And a year after entering the Oval Office, another
curious note is that of Obama politcial memorabilia sales having also
plummetted to leave such street hawkers not only empty-handed
but with alot of wholesale Obama junk and trinkets that they now
cannot sell or get rid of for all the love or all the money in the world.
So much then for the "lite-skinned" magic and miracle
Obama At No. 10 With Jackass Gordon Brown.
The real shooker for Obama's first year in office was
the election last week of Republican Scott Brown to
replace the Democratic seat of the late Ted Kennedy
right inside the Kennedy heartland that has held
political sway in Massachusetts for some 50 years.
No Republican had been elected there since 1960.
Big Democratic hitters like Obama and Bill Clinton
fell right into their own political excretion in their
humilitating inability to stop Scott Brown from
winning the day over the dying Kennedy Clan and
the greasy Democratic machinery that had pumped
in millions of dollars to defeat now U.S. Senator-
elect Scott Brown and his Republicans backers.
Will Obama Split the Left and Right?
By Anthony Gregory.
Obama's much hated Heath Care Reform has helped
to propel Brown to his elected senatorship along with the
growing discontent with the Obama administration and
its government policies and its expansion at every level
of the American society and much like we also see in-
side today's UK under the vile and ever-treacherous
cadre and political gangsters of New Labour.
Today's Race Relations In Italy.
Oh, Boy! They Sure Don't Look Good.
Obama's Stimulus Program hasn't helped swathes
of high unemployment, increasing homelessness, or
local economic recovery, for all too many towns
and communities across the nation.
obama stimulus program
Yet while this is happening inside America, Obama is
also focused on his military surge for the War in Afghanistan
and of "occupying" Haiti and spending billions of dollars more
on such pet focuses of his. His Haiti focus is primarily a political
one and a tool to distract his domestic distractors, it seems to
me. What is worse, I suspect, is that Obama - and like his awful
counter part in "Broken Britain" - will now allow masses of
earthquake Haitians to immigrate to the US - and to the UK
under Broken Britain's New Labour free immigration policy
in full tow - by the guise of humanitarian aid and help for the
god-damn and heartless Haitians!! God help us! The Haitians
are a horrible lot and their savagery is well known as also
seen in the recent gang violence, open looting, street mach-
ete and gun murders, and loads of lawless thugs, inside the
doomed country of Haiti's voodoo and crumbling society.
HAITI: Hungry and angry. IRINnews.
The last thing the UK needs is any more Third World
immigrants that the dastardly cadre of New Labour has
already flooded the country with millions of them with
deafening contempt against the British people. The
agenda of mass immigration by Blair-The-War-Criminal,
together with his red ilk, has been used essentially as a
social weapon and political doctrine of class war against
"The English White Class Hegemony & Homogeneity."
The real tragedy for Britain is that New Labour has now
gotten away with it - by its tactic of calling its critics
"racists" - for over the past 12 years and still count-
ing ... as the immigration flood gate is still deliberately
left open to destroy the UK even further and her
white British people! So masses of Haitian immigrants
will probably flood the UK and US pretty soon ...
No doubt, Obama will love that, too, I guess.
And, godless New Labour with him. Scary!
Guess Who This Son Of A Bitch Is? For The
Correct Answer Turn The Photo Upside Down!
'Bin Laden' claims Christmas Day bomb plot.
By Adam Fresco.
So how do I rate Obama's first year in office? Out
of 10, I'd give him a kindly 4. Despite his unworthy,
unearned and undeserving 2009 Nobel Peace Prize,
I think Barack Hussein Obama can only continue to
fall flat on his lite-skinned face along with all his charm
and rhetorical skills going more or less on empty. I've
come to think that Obama is more of a political fluke
than ever before. Especially, after reading Gary
Younge's excellent report in The Guardian of how
'Even Charles Manson could beat him now.'
Bambizzoozled we have been about Obama from the word
go, just like Britain was with hideous Anthony "Bambie" Blair
and his New Labour cadre. We know now the awful results of
how Britain was bambizzoozled into electing Blair, and some of
his close friends who are former and avid Communist members,
to power. But we don't yet know fully what the results of Obama's
fluke election will do to America. Signs are we may see the rise of
"Broken America" under Obama and his Democrats much like
we see of today's "Broken Britain" under bad New Labour.
So, I rest my case for now regarding Obama's America:
One Year After His "Lite-Skinned" Oval Office Foray.
Let me take a break, Uncle Monty.
+The Conversion of St. Paul, 2010.
Some Past Stories Above America
& Obama By Uncle Monty:
1. Now All Agog With All Things Obama.
2. Mr. & Mrs. America. 3. Nothing Nobel or Noble.
4. Their Convictions for Obama. 5. Well Done, Bubba!
6. America's Iranophobia. 7. Obama's First 100 Dayz.
8. USA: Guns, Guns, And More Guns.
Suicide Rate Surged Among U.S. Veterans. By Eli Clifton.
Coming Next at thebiggerissue.org:
Sir John Chilcot’s Iraq Inquiry. By Uncle Monty.
"£250,000 ring of steel for Tony Blair's grilling: Huge security
operation as Judgment Day looms for ex-PM over Iraq War."
By Ian Drury, Stephen Wright and Tim Shipman.
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Peter Moore: England's Pre-Eminent Town Crier. A Personal Tribute By Uncle Monty.

Peter Moore:
England's Pre-Eminent Town Crier.
A Personal Tribute By Uncle Monty.
Story Caption Photo By Alex Albion.
Not once did he name drop or brag about the many important
and famous people he had met and known during his more
than 30 years as London's top and foremost Town Crier,
did the 70 year-old Peter Moore.
I first met Peter five years ago at a formal function by the
Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of London's City of West-
minster, who are shown at the above story caption photo
that I shot of him and the mayoral couple back in 2oo5.
Peter Moore also had a marvellous sense of photo-op by
his imbued instinct to highlight not only himself, but those
who he served so well as the capital's official Town Crier.
He was following in the historic footsteps of English Town
Criers or Bellmen was Peter Moore. He was a credit and a
perfect symbol of the history and character of town crying.
The Timeline of Criers.
Town Crier or Bellman.
(Which includes a classic photo of Peter Moore)
History of Town Crying.
We just hit it off right on the spot did Peter and me. We
regularly had chats together whenever we bumped into
each other at Covent Garden (one of his favourite spots)
or at official events around the city like the New Year’s
Day Parade, Carnival del Pueblo, formal city gatherings,
and what have you. And, his beloved red scooter saw him
'scootering' off with all his flair and with all his happiness
that he could and did muster for us all to share.
He revelled, did Peter Moore, in his passion and love for
town crying. Never without his brass bell, he proudly de-
clared online: "Have Bell, Will Travel." And travel he did
to America, all over Europe, and even to far off India. But,
his first and everlasting love was always for England!!
To be a great Town Crier requires the person to also
be, I think, somekind of happy showman. So was Peter
Moore such an English showman? You bet, absolutely!
His background was that of a little boy first placed in care
of the Dr. Barnardo's Home for Boys at the West Midland
town of Walsall, that is situated in the heart of the British
Black Country, at where both he and me were reared as
English lads at the latter part of the Second World War.
Peter Moore first aspired to be a stage actor and so off to
London he went. He first appeared on the London stage in
1960 at where he joined the original cast of Lionel Bart's
"Oliver." At some point during his acting career, he was
asked to go to Leicester Square, or somewhere like that,
to advertise the show by shouting out loud!! Peter soon
found his real life's niche right then and there as a
would-be Town Crier. "The rest," as our
Yankee folks like to say, "is history."
An ardent friend of the homeless and of way and stray
dogs, Peter Moore was a private Catholic and was so
rightly honoured by his Requiem Mass at St. George's
Roman Catholic Cathedral last Monday. Even more of an
honour for him was the gathering of other Town Criers that
saw Peter given a friendly send-off with their choruses and
shouts of crying shame at Peter's sudden death of a massive
heart attack that took his life so unexpectedly. Such was
such of a pity for him in that he also missed by two days the
Lifetime Achievement Award that was to be bestowed on him
at the 2010 London New Year's Day Parade of which Peter
had participated in every year since it first began some 23
years ago. His son James, I believe, collected the deserving
honour on behalf of his good dad. Bravo!!!
Except for local politics, Peter Moore had little time for national
politics of any kind even though he had known many a national
politican in his time. So when the British National Party (BNP)
used his image as the quintessential English Town Crier to pro-
mote its political goal of British Heritage, Peter was confused
and dismayed at being portrayed by any political party be it
the BNP or not. When I asked him about it a few weeks later,
he didn’t want to talk about politics or the BNP. Peter also
realised that publicly he must always appear as non-political
and non-partisan as London’s top Town Crier and also to
be sure he kept his secure job which he loved so dearly.
Crier Peter Moore & BNP Shock on YouTube.
He also loved so dearly his flowing Bellman outfit that
saw him brightly dressed in his white tunic, crimson suit,
and his white-feathered black hat along with, of course,
his brass handbell that was de jure. In fact, I never saw
Peter Moore not dressed in his Town Crier uniform, and
with his ubiquitous brass bell either in his hand or under
his arm, in the whole five years I knew him or on the 15
or so personally occasions that we bumped into each
other all around London!
When I attended the 2008 Hay Literary Festival at
Hay-on-Wye in Wales, I also bumped into the local Town
Crier there who is shown above with me. He said he had heard
of Peter Moore regularly, but had never had the pleasure of
meeting him personally. When I then suggested to him that
Peter was perhaps England's pre-eminent Town Crier, the
Hay Town Crier said he had not thought of him like that but
on thinking about it he said I'd hit the nail right on the head.
"You're right, mate!," he then acknowledged to me. And along,
I suspect, with others criers who also perhaps felt the same
way about Peter Moore's town crying pre-eminence.
Such then, I think, is now a rather befitting epithet for
Peter Moore's life as "England's Pre-Eminent Town Crier"
and for his love of what he did so well for over 30 years at
Olde London Towne. For me, I shall always fondly recall
Peter whenever I see another Town Crier or Bellman in the
future at wherever I encounter one at home or abroad.
And so, I am so saddened by his sudden passing, I am.
With much respect, Uncle Monty.
+St. Vincent, 2010.
:: Winter Deaths ::
He, Mr. Peter Moore, was sadly among the almost 20,000
other old age pensioners over the age of 65 to suddenly die
during the recent severe cold snap of the past four weeks
or so that hit the whole of the British Isles. Such deaths
were a staggering 38% increase over normal winter
death rates inside the UK.
At St. George's Roman Catholic Cathedral.
The Peter Moore Obit.
You May Sign Your Condolences Here.
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Apostolic Eyewitness In Haiti. By Abp. Bernardito Auza.

Haiti Story Update: 01.18.2010.
Apostolic Eyewitness In Haiti.
By Abp. Bernardito Auza.
Haiti's Papal Nuncio.
Edited By Uncle Monty
At New York.
I have just returned this morning. I found priests and nuns in the streets, without homes. The Rector of the seminary survived, as did the Dean of Studies, but the seminarians are under the rubble. Everywhere, you can hear cries from under the rubble. The CIFOR - Institute of Studies for the Men and Women Religious - has collapsed with the students inside, participating in a conference. The nunciature building has withstood the earthquake, without any injuries, but we are all amazed! So many things are broken, including the Tabernacle, but we are more fortunate than others. Many family members of the staff were killed, their homes destroyed. Everyone is calling for help. We will have problems of water and food before long. We cannot enter or stay inside the house much, as the earth continues to shake, so we are camped in the garden. Port-au-Prince is completely devastated. The Cathedral, the Archbishop's Residence, all the great churches, all the seminaries are reduced to rubble. The pastor of the Cathedral, who survived the earthquake, told me that the Archbishop of Port-au-Prince perished under the rubble, along with hundreds of seminarians and priests who are under the rubble. As I write, the Vicar- General, Monsignor Charles Benoit, is still missing and nothing has been heard from Missio’s-Haitian National Director, Fr. Clarck de la Cruz. Part of the heartbreaking reality of the Haiti earthquake is that many of those who would have offered their support to the shattered lives of the people of the island are themselves victims, an uncounted number also listed amongst the fatalities. The overwhelming tragedy wrought by the few brief seconds of the earthquake’s duration is poignantly summarised by a photo taken in the rubble of the cathedral in Port-au-Prince: Jesus hangs on the Cross in the midst of his people. One of the poorest countries on earth, Haiti’s people have experienced a seemingly endless cycle of poverty, political upheavals, crime and natural disasters since it became the world's first black-led republic and the first independent Caribbean State in the early 19th century. Haiti, last year alone received more than £286,000 in support from Missio, supporting the work of the Church in basic and preventative healthcare, education, pastoral care and building projects, including reconstruction of the Port-au-Prince Archbishop’s offices after massive flooding in May 2009. Last year floods hit; now the earthquake has shocked us with the extent of its devastation, said Martin Teulan, Missio’s-National Director in Australia. We are saddened by the news of Archbishop Serge Miot and how many lives have been lost. When the Victorian bushfires devastated people’s lives here a year ago, the greatest response we received for prayer came from the people of Haiti and the Caribbean – people who understand what it means to have little. Their prayers strengthened us. Our prayers will be greatly appreciated and encourage them. Another aspect of Haiti’s tragedy was expressed by Isabel Perez, an Ecuadorian who works for Missio -in England and Wales and who worked in neighbouring Dominican Republic. She says: "We helped many Haitians to set up small projects and schools, assisting them with many other concerns. I’ve been trying since yesterday to contact people to see how they are, but it is so hard. All forms of communication are down. I have heard nothing. All I can do is to watch television and read the news reports ...
and pray. Just now, all we have is prayer."
:: Haiti Earthquake News Updates ::
Huge US Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier
USS Carl Vinson Arrives To Aid Earthquake Haiti.
Report By The Khaleejtimes.
By Aislinn Laing & Tom Leonard in
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
By Marc Lacey. International Herald Tribune/iht.com
Who's Running Haiti? No one, say the people.
Quake-battered Haiti hotel offers refuge for all.
Editing by Pascal Fletcher & Peter Cooney.
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His Anglican Grace, Archbishop Rowan Douglas Williams'
Canterbury Statement on the Unfolding Tragedy
That Is Earthquake-Hit Haiti.
Haiti's capital looks like 'war zone' says church aid allianceGeneva.
Haiti's capital "looks like a war zone", and one million people are
without shelter following the devastating earthquake that shook
the Caribbean nation, the ACT Alliance global network of churches
and related agencies has warned. "Thousands of people in
Port-au-Prince - injured, hungry and desperate - have spent
days outdoor in the demolished capital of Haiti without food or
shelter," the alliance said in a 15 January report. "Desperate
Haitians have blocked streets with corpses in anger. Food is
stocking up at the airport, but has not yet been distributed."
Ecumenical News International. News Highlights. 15 January 2010.
His Eminence, Abp. Bernardito Auza.
Archbishop Bernardito Cleopas Auza.
Apostolic Nuncio to Haiti
Titular Archbishop of Suacia
Source: Independent Catholic News (ICN) and
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