


EGM Photos & Graphics
By Alex Albion.
Part 2 of 2.
Before arriving, like I did, at outer London’s Upminister
Before arriving, like I did, at outer London’s Upminister
Train Station to attend the almost secret Extraordinary
General Meeting (EGM) of The British National Party (BNP),
I had convinced myself that there would be the usual haughty
hordes and bustling busloads of card-carrying commies, brood-
ing and big brazen blacks, excruciating ethnic “victims,” die-
hard radical socialists, and loud-mouth union demagogues
among them all and so gathered on the streets together to
menacingly scream and shout and confront those BNP
members peacefully attending the EGM.
Much to my real surprise, I could not find a single anti-BNP
leftist loony, high or low, or even a provocative protest placard
of any kind upon my early Sunday morning arrival. All I found
was a few extra bobbies and several clusters of the BNP faithful
standing stoically on Station Road on what was a grey and
overcast morning on St. Valentine's Day inside the UK.
The trick had been orchestrated on the would-be leftist
The trick had been orchestrated on the would-be leftist
mob by The BNP to hold its EGM in an almost secret location
and to aviod any pre-publicity to give its known archememies
like anti-semite Weyman Bennett's United Against Fascism
(UAF) and the reverse black racist Simon Wooley’s Operation
Black Vote (OBV) their chance to publicly act out against the
BNP, yet again. They have a warped sense of collective victim-
hood by all those nasty British white folks who openly or
privately stand against them and their demands for equal
racehood. And what are they, those white folks? Bloody
racists, they say! Oh my, oh my! The ill ilk of Bennett and
Wooley thrive and function solely on by their own constant
pathology and ultramentality of being anti-BNP.
They make me spew, they do!!
BNP Inner Circle: Darby, Barnbrook & Griffin.
BNP Inner Circle: Darby, Barnbrook & Griffin.
5 - BNP News.
I then hitched a car ride with four BNP members to the almost
I then hitched a car ride with four BNP members to the almost
secret location just a few miles away at Hornchurch’s large Elm
Park public house that was the paid renter and caterer for the EGM.
There around 350 to 400 registered BNP members gathered en masse
to vote on the party’s "New Constitution” that would permit for the
first time the admission of blacks, browns, yellows, queers, zionists,
agent -provocateurs, left-wing radicals, along with any bunch of
just about any future kind of troublemakers who may wish to
formally join The BNP.
All of this has been forced upon the BNP by New Labour’s vile
and never-ending encroachment of its vicious and extremist
“Equalities Laws” that seem to be specifically designed to bow
to every new riffraff arriving via mass immigration to the UK,
except to those of us who are British thru and thru by native
nativity, pronounced Anglo-Saxon and/or Celtic ancestry,
unashamedly British by upbringing, English-educated of the
old school, and are by origin, of course, clearly Caucasian
above all else. Being that is a kind of crime under the on-
slaught of immigrants and foreigners being given priority
over the natives of our own country. New Labour has not
only hijacked England, it has also stolen my country from
me and my fellow countrymen and women like no other
political party in all the 1,500-year history of White
Below: BNP's Richard Barnbrook, who helped to bring
about the forceful ejection of Dominic Kennedy of The
Times from the BNP News Conference held after the EGM.
I was just a few feet away from where it all suddenly
happened and under the intense glare of all the British
news media members thus present. The Kennedy ejection
should never have violently happened like it did ...
At the BNP's EGM, on my right hand sat Richard Barnbrook
At the BNP's EGM, on my right hand sat Richard Barnbrook
(shown above) and on my left hand sat John Greenfield, 68,
who is the North Lincolnshire’s independent coordinator for
the local BNP. In his regular job - which I will not divulge -
John told me that he'd seen even some black male immigrants
from Africa arrive all dressed up as women in order to get
“legally” admitted to the UK.
Richard and John were among the hundreds of registered BNP
members at the EGM, with the vast majority being white men,
of course, and many of them also old age pensioners. Indeed, if
of course, and many of them also old age pensioners. Indeed, if
the vast majority of British old age pensioners vote against New
Labour in the upcoming 2010 General Election, it would bring an
immediate and final end, without a doubt, to the present Labour
Party’s red stranglehold on “Broken Britain.” New Labour would be,
to put it crudely, out on their stinking arse or ass in quick order.
Of course, an election is only as good as the count. My fear is who
counts the votes, especially if New Labour should get another 5
dreadful years of its socialist and radical tyranny inside the UK.
I have no doubt, however, that an electoral landside against
New Labour will come about despite all the recent political
and newspaper talk of some kind of hung parliament which is
asinine nonsense. The only "hung" parliament we will get is if
the vote is tampered with or is deliberately "hung" by those
counting the vote!! Rigid vigilance of the count must be ensured,
especially in questionable and close New Labour seats being
challenged by parties like the BNP and/or United Kingdom
Independent Party (UKIP). The last time I went to the my
local polling station to vote, all I saw there was the station
being supervised and manned by blacks only. Not one
white English official was present!!! Not a one!
Weyman Bennett, who ironically is also an
anti-semite I am told!! Yeeeep!!
:: UPDATE ::
Weyman Bennett, the UAF joint secretary who organised
the protest (against today's EDL at Manchester), was arrested
on suspicion of conspiracy to commit violent disorder, police said.
Anindya Bhattacharyya, UAF press officer, said: 'A large group
Anindya Bhattacharyya, UAF press officer, said: 'A large group
of riot police charged in, there were at least a dozen of them.
'They grabbed him and physically dragged him away even
'They grabbed him and physically dragged him away even
though he was protesting peacefully.' She said that Martin Smith,
who runs the Love Music Hate Racism campaign, was also arrested.
March 20st, 2010.
UK's Radical Black Agitator Simon Wooley (shown
below) operates Operation Black Vote (OBV) against
the BNP. Wooley's ragtag outfit seems to be modelled
on Louis Farrakhan's extreme "Nation of Islam" and
his Black Muslim Brotherhood in the US of A.
Oddly though, it's assumed Wooley is Christian!
whelming majority, and for the first time ever, to admit blacks,
queers, interracial couples, communists, foreigners, orientals,
asians, hindus, zionists, half-wits, muslims, mixed-race families,
and unknown leftist loonies and weirdos to the party's member-
ship. Even black agitators like ignorant Trevor Phillips, big-
mouth Weyman Bennett and ragtag spokesman Simon Wooley
could now join the BNP! Who knows, they may just do that to stir
up more trouble and to give them yet another venue in which to
grandstand their own reverse racism. So there. The BNP's EGM
had also agreed to vote "yes" to about 100 various new amend-
ments and updates to create a BNP "New Constitution" under the
threat of New Labour's ever-intrusive "Equalities Commission,"
that is little more than a modern day British political inquisition
that is funded each year by millions of pounds extracted from
the UK taxpayer whether they like it or not. The Commission
employs a staggering 70 lawyers and is a political pet of vicious
New Labour. Hopefully, the next government after them will
take urgent steps to close down the Equalities Commission
and put their radical and racial bastards out of work for good.
:: Some Subjective Notes on Nick Griffin at EGM ::
:: Some Subjective Notes on Nick Griffin at EGM ::
By Uncle Monty.
Nick Griffin, the BNP Chairman, indicated indirectly
that he might well step down as party leader by the next
EU election. He has already, he said, spent 14 years as the
most successful far-right leader of any time in Britian. If
he is elected the new MP for Barking & Dagenham over his
archrival New Labourite Margaret Hodge at the upcoming
British General Election, I suspect he'll then examine all his
future options be they personal, political or professional ones.
He also constantly talked about the £1000’s upon £1000’s the BNP
has been forced to spend on lawyers and barristers to defend them-
selves from the all-mighty Equalities Commission that is the evil outfit
of New Labour that has demanded the BNP to admit not just whites,
but every colour and creed under the sun. Nick Griffin was disconcert-
ed to feel that the time and money it could spend on the upcoming
election was deliberately instigated and timed the New Labour's
Equalities Commission to undermine, or to even thwart, the BNP's
General Election campaign for national parliamentary office. If Nick
Griffin is elected to national office - and I guess he will be, sooner or
later - he will then be the first elected Member of Parliament from
and for the BNP. He is already a European Member of Parliament
(MEP). But at the EGM, he made little mention of the fact he was
an MEP and as if it really didn't matter anymore to him or the BNP.
What seems more important now, of which I surmise, was to win
the true and glittering political prize for him personally, and for
the sake and name of his party, to enter the House of Commons
for the first time. In such an event, there will be political and
media uproar awaiting Nick Griffin's expected arrival that will
also throw a big monkey wrench into the callous heart of the
present disgusting and dastardly British political establishment.
Plus, a BNP parliamentary seat will be met by absolute
horror and consternation by what remains of New Labour
and the hideous mix of communists and socialist trouble-
makers who will undoubtedly protest in violence and anger.
Along with the anti-BNP liberal news media establishment,
they will be forced to bite their own tongue.
The passing of the BNP "New Constitution" also legally
consolidates Nick Griffin's executive powers and chairman-
ship over the party and membership. He will also be able
to amend certain parts of the constitution without need-
ing to call a vote of officers or membership. The New
Constitution runs to 75 pages of legalisms and by-laws
that puts the Old BNP Constitution to historic rot.
One thing of grave importance for Nick Griffin was to
ensure the party survived legally to comply with New
Labour's meddlesome Equalities Laws and to further en-
sure the BNP was not "deregistered" as a political party
for failing to abide by such onerous and inquisitorial
multicultural laws as imposed by the vile ilk of New
Labour. The Equalities Commission is a vicious New
Labour tool it uses to attack all who oppose their agenda
of forced multiracialism and multiculturalism inside the
UK today. It has done irrepairable and destructive harm
to the nation and its very core and fabric. What they
have done is almost criminal to the country. More
and more Africans are now getting in the UK, before
the end of New Labour's immigration floodgate of
already 3.8 million Africans admitted by Blair, Straw,
and Brown, over the strenuous objections of the British
white working folks that have been shafted and ignored
by the British Labour Party at every turn for the
past 13 years that they've been in elected office.
One last thing on the BNP's EGM was the food!! Yes, the
free lunch itself was worth its weight in gold and the price
of membership, which has been frozen by the BNP in order
to counter against the Equalities Commission's calculated
attempt to close down the BNP over its then membership
criteria that barred those not British and not white. Come
March 9th, 2010 - when the next and final High Court dis-
posal of the law case of the BNP vs. Equalities Commission
is heard - the BNP hopes it can then unfreeze its membership
admission and be allowed once again to offer membership to
all who want to join and pay a £15 member fee. As for the
free food at EGM, everybody for some reason seemed to be
famished after the first 2 or so hours of the 5-hour EGM.
Big plates of hors d'oeuvres, sliced Wiltshire ham, egg rolls,
petite sandwiches, relishes, cooked pink salmon, pork sau-
sages, fresh salads, cheddar cheese, assortment of biscuits,
baked bacon, and two bars to get all you wanted to drink of
British ales and fine liquor. Everybody seemed very happy as
they gobbled down the free grub and talked among themselves
about being at the BNP's Extraordinary General Meeting that
saw most members quite happy with the later final outcome.
I asked Nick Griffin himself after the majority vote for the
New Constitution, whether he was worried beforehand of the
outcome of the vote that could have seen the whole thing
voted down without any further ado. Yes, he said he had
paused to think of such an outcome that would have been
disasterous for him personally and for the party as a whole.
He was overjoyed to win, which he did!! I personally like
Nick Griffin alot for some reason, despite all the negative
stuff I read about him as party chairman of the BNP.
I am glad I also attend the BNP's EGM. I learned more
I am glad I also attend the BNP's EGM. I learned more
about the inner workings, if you, of the party and got to
meet alot of new folkz, too.
The best for me was meeting again the
lovely English Rose (seen in the above lead picture
with me) called simply Jenny!! What a treat it was to
spend all too short a time with her and to know she's
also a true British Patriot of bright red, pure white, and
royal blue, that dazzled my mind and my eyes so happily!
I first met Jenny last year at the BNP's Red, White &
Blue Festival that I enjoyed so much ... like I did the
EGM and, of course, again like meeting Jenny
herself!! Wooooow!! And, BRAVO!!
Be good and do good works, Uncle Monty.
+Third Day of Lent, 2010.
:: UPDATE ::
Thousands of illegal immigrants win right
to stay in Britain under 'squatters' rights'.
Thousands of illegal immigrants have been granted
"squatters' rights" to remain in Britain permanently after
proving they have lived here for 14 years, it can be disclosed.
By David Barrett, Home Affairs Correspondent.
New Labour NOT to fight UK General Election
on its terrible and disgusting past record!
Illegal immigrant killed six-week-old baby daughter he
fathered in bid to remain in UK. By Lucy Ballinger.
(African) Cocaine 'Sausages'
Geneva. A Nigerian has been arrested in Switzerland with 123
condoms stuffed with cocaine weighing 1.7kg (3.7lb) in his
stomach. A border official said that the condoms represent the
equivalent of a string sausages 5.5m (18ft) long. The (African)
man was one of six people that went through a red light near
Geneva. Four (of them) had (also) swallowed drugs.
(Dépêches AFP) Feb. 19th, 2010.
BAN All God-Damn Muslim Burkas Inside Broken Britain.
BAN All God-Damn Muslim Burkas Inside Broken Britain.
The True Faces of the BNP. By Uncle Monty.
Three Days Inside The BNP. By Uncle Monty.
{Click on any image to Enlarge}
{Click on any image to Enlarge}
Thank you so much. terri887.
Much obliged for removing
per our request the link
to our North Lincolnshire
BNP website.
Sir - When you write, you're
very good. When you rant, you're very bad. When you do both, like in your latest article, you're both good and bad. The BNP is always a hot topic. While you're unlikely to be "hot" now or in
the future like them. Quit writing about them. Your ability to write on other subjects would make your blog more outstanding than it
is. Hence, write and not rant
if you please. I'm a disaffected
Yorkshireman living as far away
as I can from what many in my homeland now call 'Broken
Britain.' It'll stand to get
more broken before it'll get
any better, if ever.
Leonard Carron, M.D.
Puerto Rico.
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