Part One of Two.

Lovely little yellow buttercups and bluebells in full
Springtime bloom densely marked the earthy and
grassy pathway to the tucked away inmate cemetery
of the Letterfract Industrial School for Boys that was
guarded only by two small rusting black iron gates with
a small metal cross on each one of them at day noon.
The second gate gave full view to the strange and sad
graveyard that had belatedly been erected years later in
memory of those 8 to 16 year old Irish lads that had died
at the savage and murderous hands of the wicked Irish
Christian Brothers from 1887 to 1974.
Small black marble heart-shaped burial markers en-
graved the names, ages, and dates of death of each of
the young lads that had, for various reasons, been put
in care of such a Letterfrack brotherhood and religious
order of Holy Cathoilc Church of Free Eire. Some of
the buried dead lads, however, had no given age for
nobody knew their actual birthday or even when
or where they were actually born in Ireland.
So their burial marker simply stated:
"Died A Very Young Boy."
The All-Irish Boy Cemetery was to me clear evidence of
what I can only call: “LETTERFRACK: The Irish Gulag”.
For that was what the Industrial School of Letterfrack
had become – a kind of brutal Sovietique gulag for the
poorest, for the most unloved, and for the rejected
and unwanted young lads of Catholic Ireland.
As I then silently stood and angrily gazed upon the
isolated graveyard, I felt cold shivers running down
my Anglican back in fully realising now the true horror
and utter brutality that had been inflicted on at least 77
suspected murdered boys. They now laid quietly buried,
and almost forgotten, at the somewhat bizarre and
macabre Catholic graveyard all because of what the
Irish Religious Brothers had done to them at the
evil Letterfrack Industrial School.
Housing upto 100 detained and captive boys, from 7 to
17 years of age, the reform school it seems was also for
years upon years a kind of hidden and active homosexual
haven for adult male perverts or paedophiles of the
religious kind. Christian Brothers they were by name
and by dress and by seminary training, but by practise
totally unChristian and unGodly were many of them.
“An ape is an ape, even though dressed in scarlet,” noted
Shakespeare. The same is true of those dressed as Irish
Christian Brothers at Letterfrack, it seems to me, for
they were apish apes for the most part and not truly
Christian men of good Catholic virtue and high praise.
Apes, after all, shouldn't be allowed to work with vuner-
able children placed in so-called "care and protection"
by The Church and Republic of Ireland.
Roadside Entrance To The Letter-
frack Industrial School Graveyard.

Finally, in 1974, after intense public scandal and wide-spread national publicity, Ireland’s own Archbishop Joseph
Cunnane of Tuam placed the whole estate of the Letterfrack
Industrial School up for sale. The remaining boys and
brothers then vacated the school that had been in
existence for over 85 years of physical and sexual
abuse against the hapless boys who had been sent to
the industrial school for street begging, for being home-
less, for being orphaned, or for having committed petty
crime or for simply running away from home.
It also appears that dysfunctional and illiterate
Irish parents oftentimes signed away their under-
age sons and/or daughters to the predatory and
sex wolves of the Irish Christian Brotherhood
without being aware of the cruel fate that would
await such marginalised youngsters once they
entered the likes of the Letterfrack Industrial
School. For some, the graveyard awaited them.
In collusion with the Catholic Church was the
Irish Garda (Police), too, who enjoyed the un-
healthy and unquestioning privilege of sending
unwanted or troubled boys and girls to such in-
dustrial (reform) schools all across the Republic
of Ireland with little or no safeguards for those
children once sent by the Garda under court
order to such brutal and menacing Church-
run juvenile institutions. The more kids they
sent, the more taxpayers money from the
government entered the coffers of both the
Church and the Garda based on the number
of kids placed in reform school care.
Letterfrack, however, led the way beyond
all the other industrial schools for its sheer
brutality and gross sex crimes against those
Irish lads abandoned forever to its wicked care.
Years later, a few of the Christian Brothers
were given short and token prison sentences
but most of them escaped from judicial punish-
ment for the murderous and abusive crimes
they had for years committed so brazenly
against Eire's poorest of poor children.
In 2002, Cardinal Desmond Connell himself, then
the Primate of All-Ireland and Archbishop of Dublin,
visited those convicted and imprisoned Letterfrack
Brothers. Such created vexation and strong criticism
among those representing the victims of abuse.
They felt the Cardinal had "not met the needs of
(the) victims." While that may be very true, I
think His Eminence, the Cardinal, was absolutely
right to visit his own imprisoned priests no matter
how terrible and criminal was their crimes against
children. The Joseph Pyke Research Trust repre-
sents the Letterfrack victims and it has repeatedly
called for a public inquiry, and rightly so, into the
diabolical deaths at the Letterfrack Industrial School.
I only wish the good Cardinal had seen fit to have also
visited the same graveyard that I did to see with his
own Catholic eyes the evidence of the mindless deaths
of those young lads that had been almost certainly
murdered, and definitely brutalized before their
deaths, and then unashamedly buried by the wicked
and cunning mindset of the Letterfrack Christian
Brothers in broad daylight.
All was ignored then for years of what
was really going on as calculated steps were
obviously taken by the religious brotherhood to
hide the true horror and gravity of their constant
physical and sex crimes against the industrial
school boys in their care from public discovery
and media inquiry. They became a law unto them
selves and immuned from criminal prosecution
due also then to the conspiracy of silence between
the brotherhood and the civil authorities that didn't
want to rock the boat against the Catholic priest-
hood or felt the reform school boys even
"deserved the treatment they got!!"
At last, however, the devastating and hideous
Letterfrack story broke wide open in 1974. But,
alas, it was too late for those 77 dead boys I counted,
grave by grave, at their quiet and unfancy graveyard
just a stone's throw from the Letterfrack Industrial
School that had existed in utter social isolation for
decades by the sheer location and geography of the
community of Letterfrack itself that even today sees
only a bare population of less the 500 local residents.
Such was an ideal and secure place and cover for the
consuming tyranny and perverted sex drive and
skewed paedophile appetite of many of those Irish
Christian Brothers. Especially, going back to many
years ago from the late 19th century thru to the
mid-1960's when Letterfrack was clearly off the
beaten track for many from the outside world. It
still relatively is, even today, for there is only one
bus a week that goes there from Galway some
110 kilometers south east of Letterfrack. Some
maps don't even show where the place is ...
Ironically, it is amazing how such a small village
could produce one of Ireland's biggest ever priestly
abuse and sex scandals that it did. And, the Letter-
frack scandal is still reverberating to this very day
all across the Emerald Isle even after 35 years since
the Industrial School was forced to shut down and
at where most of the estate was later sold to the
Irish Government Office of Public Works in 1976.
In Part Two - entitled "Beyond Letterfrack" - I will tell
you briefly about James (who wouldn't give me his last
name) that I unexpectedly encountered at the Letterfrack
Industrial School cemetery just minutes after I got there
myself. He said he was age 74 and a retired Irish civil
servant at Dublin and now in retirement at Galway.
Also, I will tell you abit of how I came to find the Letter-
frack All-Boys' Graveyard thanks only to bumping into
a house painter called Shaun, who told me how to find
it and who is from Letterfrack himself and who knew
many of the sordid details of what had been going
on at his local industrial school. Without Shaun's
friendly help and open information, it is doubtful that
my visit to Letterfrack would have been as worthwhile
and as revealing has it was. Local information is usually
the best key. So more coming soon , with more photos,
on "LETTERFRACK: The Irish Gulag."
Truly, Uncle Monty.
+Day After Her Majesty's 83rd Birthday, 2oo9.
:: UPDATE ::
Thank you "anonymous" for sending the blogspot
on Letterfrack. I was unaware of it until you wrote
to tell me. It pleases me to add it here to my own
blog story on The Irish Gulag. So thankz ever
so much, again!! Your's, Uncle Monty.